Klmno, I KNOW the school is spoiled because I'm a stay at home mom
They'd HAVE to step up to the plate if I worked full-time, that's for sure. Anyway, I'm going to hang out there for one more week, and will get him a watch with an alarm, and then the rest is up to them. Maybe that will solve the problem.
Witz -- Great idea! Your name will go first on the patent
Heather, I forget my medications too sometimes. husband is way worse than me but he has more deficits
I think it's pretty asinine to tell an 11yo he has to remind you to remind him to do something, which is essentially what his math teacher told me.
BL, I'll definitely get the second bottle on our next refill. There's a chance, though, that the dosage is going to change before I can even refill this. That's been the tricky part for the last two years. Just when I think we've got the medication combo and dosage figured out, it changes!