The good, the bad and the utterly stupid


Well-Known Member
Thank you. Albatross. How did you do it?
Copa, I did NOT do it -- but I sure would like to.

Your post about not thinking strategically and t.l.'s response inspired me.

I aspire to do better, to meet others honestly and not try to direct their behavior through the sneaky sorts of "back door" means I've used in the past. It's not easy.


Well-Known Member
This is the difference between Copa and Tough Lovings sons and Snow whites daughter. And its big. by the way, I dont truly believe in evil but i do think some people have no consience. i actually saw an excellent documentary on Investigative Discovery that showed the physical differences between a sociopath (antisocial personality disorder) and a normal person's brain. There are differences.

Now Copa and Toughlovings sons have problems but mostly go after their family members, which most troubled people do especially addicts.

Snow Whites daughters goes after anyone, including strangers (gofundme), short term men who have some money to offer, the world, if it suits the person. And of course she lies as much as any siciopath, and while drug addicts lie and may act like sociopaths while addicted, they were not that way before the addiction and are not after. This woman is not a drug addict and yet she behaves more scarily than many.

I am NOT saying this to shame or hurt you, Snow White. I want you to be aware and careful. Do read the book. I read it. The Socioparh Next Door.

I can not diagnose anyone. I dont have the education. But I want you hopefully to please maybe understand your daughter, in case she is a sociopath. You did not cause it. They are born with a difference in the brain and without the normal emparhy. This is why they can do what they do.
I hope all goes well. You have it in you to enjoy your life and still see your daughter, as long as you see her away from home and share nothing about your finances with her.

Love and light.
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100% better than I was but not at 100% yet
I did it! When I read your "can she go back to Asia" it struck me as funny! It still does as in I would have sent my son to the moon if I could have!!!