This morning, I'm a jerk because I dared ask where something was, that was borrowed from me and not put back. Actually it was teh 2nd thing, the first was my conditioner, which, when Youngest asked if she could borrow mine because she was out, I said mine was almost out too, and I didn't know if there was enough for her to borrow it. She completely blew that off and borrowed it anyway. After, she said there was "plenty" left, I said, ok, just please put it back so I don't get in the shower tomorrow and not have it. She said she would. Of course, she didn't. Luckily I noticed before I got in the shower, and went into her bathroom to get it. Then, when getting ready, I realized my hair claw was gone, too. Yup, I was irritated. I looked in her bathroom, not there. I called down the stairs "Youngest, where's my hair claw?" And she blew. "Why do you have to get on me first thing in the morning!" (she says I asked in a "snotty" voice, even parodied it for me) Sigh. I just wanted my claw back. Such a little thing. It blew into her threatening to move out early, thereby cancelling the day I had planned with my grandson Saturday. When I told her I didn't understand why she got so cruel over things like things, she went on about how I'm a bitter woman who is unhappy because I am going to be alone the rest of my life, and "everyone says so."
It occurred to me, driving to work, how difficult children can't ever admit they're wrong. She borrowed something from me, and didn't put it back, and I was irritated. I had a right to be irritated. But SHE blew up and made ME out to be the bad guy. She ended up spewing her venom at me, all because of something she'd done. It was my fault, see, because I apparently nag her. Her part in it is conveniently dismissed because of my "nagging."
OK, vent done