SS, I know you know that you can't control what other people do, and your parents are going to do whatever they do.
And you know, that's okay.
Who are we to say what anybody else should do? Who are we to know what is best? We can only even begin to think about what is best for us.
And that is a full time job, leaving no free time for any of us to take on part-time jobs of dealing with other people's lives.
Yesterday, in one of the best Al-Anon meetings EVER, we talked about Letting Go and Letting God, and we talked about Take What you Like and Leave the Rest.
One man, a very strong Type A, bulldog type of man, from the midwest, talked about his own transformation through Al-Anon. He talked about how he used to think he knew what was best for everybody and how he was a jerk about letting you know what you ought to be doing, and then if you didn't, he'd stick around to say I told you so. He talked about how wrong he had been all along, and how many people he had alienated, including his own three sons. Today, he says, he believes several things: Rejection and things not working out as we had hoped means...our Higher Power is protecting us from a bad situation. A situation we didn't need to get into anyway. Today, when people come to him venting about things going wrong, he listens, and then says, I'm sure you will figure that out. You are smart.
He talked about relatives who call and like to gloat about other relatives having troubles, especially the one cousin whose son got a DUI and then called to talk about an Uncle who is in jail after a night of partying and getting his own DUI. He talked about loving that cousin anyway, taking what he likes about that person, what he values about that person, and letting go of the bad behavior of gossiping.
The whole meeting was reinforcement that I just need to mind my own business.
I talked about Saturday, the 4th, when Difficult Child was here with his girlfriend (ahem) and easy child and fiancee and husband's daughter. We cooked out. Difficult Child tossed this one out: I might have to borrow some money from dad for my rent because I'm going to be short.
He had already texted me the same thing the night before. I hadn't responded. So he tried again, in person.
I didn't say anything. Oh, I felt all of the tension and pressure and direction he intended. But I was able to practice what I have learned, that time. I already had a plan for myself during the cookout---Difficult Child wasn't going to get me aside and talk about "how things are going?" I have a bad habit of wanting to do that, so I can maybe feel better...feel worse...have some control...need to know. I had decided I wasn't going to even go there. That's how I get hooked.
So, because of that plan, I was able to say nothing, this time.
And then, lo and behold, Difficult Child said, well, I've got a couple of extra jobs working on cars with my boss and I'm hoping I can get enough with my paycheck that i won't have to borrow any money.
And still I didn't say anything.
And then husband said: Well, I have two stumps that need to be dug out. Do you want to do that, and I'll pay you? (mind you, this is my husband, his stepdad).
I said nothing.
Difficult Child said: Well, yeah. I'll do that. How much?
husband said: How much will you charge?
Difficult Child said: I don't know.
husband said: How about $50?
Then my easy child broke in and said, Difficult Child, how much would a company charge to do this? (not minding his own business, you see).
I said nothing.
Difficult Child said: I have no idea.
husband said: Well, how much do you want?
Difficult Child sheepishly said: How about $100.
husband said: No. Too much.
Back and forth. They agreed on $75.
I didn't have to do one single thing. And without my acting, a boundary was set. Difficult Child knows that he can get $75 extra right here. After the work is done. I don't have to think any more about should I help? What should I say? After all...yada, yada, yada.
Let go and Let God. God works through other people all the time. This time I watched him work without doing anything.
It is truly amazing to learn a new way of behaving, and then, having a chance to practice it...and then, actually being able to carry it all the way through, and then, watching the new solution emerge. A much healthier solution. It reinforces me to continue to stay the course, of working on myself.
Momentum. It's an amazing thing.