this is sort of spec. ed. related but not specific to one issue. I'm celebrating a win. Sorry if in wrong forum area.
I hope I am not jinxing myself by feeling smug so early.
I read something by a Mom (another site) who shared that parents who are polite, meek and civil get more support from IEP teams. It seems that you get more flies with honey than vinegar. It was something about not bruising the egos of teachers who know our kids and how to teach them "better than we do".
That's not my style. I got a fly swatter and now have the bully school admin. feeling intimidated. I'm not one for allowing people in authority to dominate me. I'm not going to beg any school to provide services that they are legally obligated to.
I sent that darned certified letter, made some pivotal phone calls and am commanding respect. I'm TELLING them what they will do for my child per expert reports I gathered. The school has gotten away with murder by using delay and deny tactics with other tired spec. ed. parents up until now.
Let me be the first to tell you and them, I'm not the one!!
It's amazing how researching the law and making friends with a lady in the spec. ed. division of the state board of education (also parent of spec. ed. kid) works wonders. Conveniently enough our district is under focused monitoring for not exactly being up to par. Went to a parent forum and it was shocking. Some of the teachers actually publicly belittle spec. ed. kids. ie: one high school teacher announced that since "so and so" had to get special notes due to iep the whole class would too...done in a nasty tone and clearly emberassed spec. ed. kid in gen. ed class. Also clearly violated privacy. that I know what my rights are and I know when I am in the right and they are feeding me a line of B.S. there is no confusion. All of the sudden they know there is no more wool over my eyes and their attitude has changed. Now those %*#@$ are almost butt kissy....
I get two follow up calls per my one call now instead of calling twice and never reaching anyone. All of the sudden there is a sense of urgency with them after a 5 month wait.
I must be on to something.
Knowledge is power.
One voice matters !
If you KNOW the law is on your side use your voice LOUDLY, make calls, file complaints, call the media or your senator if you have to.
Every bully administrator has a bigger fish of a supervisor who does not want to be liable. Of course, be polite when calling the big bosses. Going over the districts head really does make things happen.
I am just sick to death of the school playing games with my childs education. I am not going to take any of their junk anymore. They got me so mad I have that "crazed" look in my eyes and I think they can sense it. I am ready to go toe to toe with them no matter what it takes.
...I'm also on the verge of organizing a class action for the teachers verbally and emotionally abusing the kids.
They cheesed off the wrong warrior mom.
I'll almost be sad if the are cooperative. I 'm kind of looking forward to battling it out with them. They pushed me too far this time.
*deep breath*
If they think they scare me they must not know my difficult child well.
If I can survive raising him I can do anything including taking on a legal battle against a school district singe handedly!
I hope I am not jinxing myself by feeling smug so early.
I read something by a Mom (another site) who shared that parents who are polite, meek and civil get more support from IEP teams. It seems that you get more flies with honey than vinegar. It was something about not bruising the egos of teachers who know our kids and how to teach them "better than we do".
That's not my style. I got a fly swatter and now have the bully school admin. feeling intimidated. I'm not one for allowing people in authority to dominate me. I'm not going to beg any school to provide services that they are legally obligated to.
I sent that darned certified letter, made some pivotal phone calls and am commanding respect. I'm TELLING them what they will do for my child per expert reports I gathered. The school has gotten away with murder by using delay and deny tactics with other tired spec. ed. parents up until now.
Let me be the first to tell you and them, I'm not the one!!
It's amazing how researching the law and making friends with a lady in the spec. ed. division of the state board of education (also parent of spec. ed. kid) works wonders. Conveniently enough our district is under focused monitoring for not exactly being up to par. Went to a parent forum and it was shocking. Some of the teachers actually publicly belittle spec. ed. kids. ie: one high school teacher announced that since "so and so" had to get special notes due to iep the whole class would too...done in a nasty tone and clearly emberassed spec. ed. kid in gen. ed class. Also clearly violated privacy. that I know what my rights are and I know when I am in the right and they are feeding me a line of B.S. there is no confusion. All of the sudden they know there is no more wool over my eyes and their attitude has changed. Now those %*#@$ are almost butt kissy....
I must be on to something.
Knowledge is power.
One voice matters !
If you KNOW the law is on your side use your voice LOUDLY, make calls, file complaints, call the media or your senator if you have to.
Every bully administrator has a bigger fish of a supervisor who does not want to be liable. Of course, be polite when calling the big bosses. Going over the districts head really does make things happen.
I am just sick to death of the school playing games with my childs education. I am not going to take any of their junk anymore. They got me so mad I have that "crazed" look in my eyes and I think they can sense it. I am ready to go toe to toe with them no matter what it takes.
...I'm also on the verge of organizing a class action for the teachers verbally and emotionally abusing the kids.
They cheesed off the wrong warrior mom.

*deep breath*
If they think they scare me they must not know my difficult child well.