trying to survive....
I am so sorry.....I am sorry for you and sorry for difficult child....something similiar happened to us...we were given a "30 day suspension" when difficult child was four years old. I was beyond livid...I was working full time and had no where to send my difficult child....but in the end it was the best thing for difficult child. My difficult child did return to this school after the 30 school days on a modified schedule, but quite soon I realized that it just wasn't meant to be and I pulled him out before they through him out. We made it through the end of the year with in home help and found a program for the following year which provided intenstive emotional support.....
difficult child has been struggling there for the past several months....do you want him someplace that doesn't welcome him...do you think he wants to be there...they do not have the patience and/or aiblity or the training to let him be successful...you are a warrior mom...you will find a place for him
I know public school said they will not give support, but who knows what will happen when he shows up at their door with 25 other children. If he's a mess they will have to find a way to support him. Last year a new student came to our public school in the middle of the kindergarten year. The parents had been paying a 1:1 shadow plus the cost of a private tuition in his previous school....and this private school couldn't handle it. So off he went to kindergarten...and within one week all of the aide time that had been previously shared went into this room...and a few months later and IEP was in place and special educaiton supports were put into place...plus an intensive behavior intervention plan which was monitored every 15 minutes with reinforcement every one to two minutes... maybe just maybe public school will work....and if the general educaiton classroom is not the place for him then the school system will need to find the right program.
Hang in there....I am sorry...sending hugs...
difficult child has been struggling there for the past several months....do you want him someplace that doesn't welcome him...do you think he wants to be there...they do not have the patience and/or aiblity or the training to let him be successful...you are a warrior mom...you will find a place for him
I know public school said they will not give support, but who knows what will happen when he shows up at their door with 25 other children. If he's a mess they will have to find a way to support him. Last year a new student came to our public school in the middle of the kindergarten year. The parents had been paying a 1:1 shadow plus the cost of a private tuition in his previous school....and this private school couldn't handle it. So off he went to kindergarten...and within one week all of the aide time that had been previously shared went into this room...and a few months later and IEP was in place and special educaiton supports were put into place...plus an intensive behavior intervention plan which was monitored every 15 minutes with reinforcement every one to two minutes... maybe just maybe public school will work....and if the general educaiton classroom is not the place for him then the school system will need to find the right program.
Hang in there....I am sorry...sending hugs...