I've just come back to this thread and noticed some new replies. Thank you to everyone that took time to read this thread and reply!
difficult child is still here. She is planning to pay us back for the $177 with next Friday's paycheck. This past paycheck is being used to pay her car insurance and cell phone bill. I told her that she had to give me the money before the due date. We'll see.
husband and I went into her room and emptied it out. I have never seen anything so disgusting. There was vomit on the floor in addition to two places where she had spilled cokes and just left it on the floor. We had to rent a carpet cleaner to get the stains out. I washed everything and found empty beer cans everywhere. She is drinking in addition to the prescription drugs.
Speaking of the prescription drugs . . . I found empty bottles of Ambian and Adderall that should have had two more weeks of pills in them. When I confronted her, she said that she took the Ambian one night trying to kill herself and was disappointed that she woke up. I don't believe her for a minute. I think she is selling her prescription pills for cash. I know that she has sold the Adderall in the past.
I agree with you all that she needs rehab but she doesn't have health insurance. It's easy to say that she needs help but she doesn't want it and can't afford it. Where does that leave us?
I did think about calling the local mental health clinic and reporting the missing pills in hopes that the doctor will not prescribe anymore for her.
She did mention moving in with some girls from hair school this past weekend. We, of course, were very encouraging. Today she said that she didn't think she would because they "partied too much."

difficult child is still here. She is planning to pay us back for the $177 with next Friday's paycheck. This past paycheck is being used to pay her car insurance and cell phone bill. I told her that she had to give me the money before the due date. We'll see.
husband and I went into her room and emptied it out. I have never seen anything so disgusting. There was vomit on the floor in addition to two places where she had spilled cokes and just left it on the floor. We had to rent a carpet cleaner to get the stains out. I washed everything and found empty beer cans everywhere. She is drinking in addition to the prescription drugs.
Speaking of the prescription drugs . . . I found empty bottles of Ambian and Adderall that should have had two more weeks of pills in them. When I confronted her, she said that she took the Ambian one night trying to kill herself and was disappointed that she woke up. I don't believe her for a minute. I think she is selling her prescription pills for cash. I know that she has sold the Adderall in the past.
I agree with you all that she needs rehab but she doesn't have health insurance. It's easy to say that she needs help but she doesn't want it and can't afford it. Where does that leave us?
I did think about calling the local mental health clinic and reporting the missing pills in hopes that the doctor will not prescribe anymore for her.
She did mention moving in with some girls from hair school this past weekend. We, of course, were very encouraging. Today she said that she didn't think she would because they "partied too much."