Ahhhhhh, (nods head) If I shared a day in my life with you? You'd probably go WOW...get a life Star. lol. I get up - I go to work. I come home, I now clip coupons, I may talk to a few people here on line, or get an occasional call, I eat supper, play with my furkids, do laundry, clean occasionally - all though after therapy the Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is gone way down to the point of - well it's not quite like a hoarders home, but let's just say I got my monies worth. (raises eyebrows) I don't have a church family because every one I've ever had? Stabbed me in the back. I'm still very much a person of faith however just not going to do it with people that are nice from 8:30 AM Sunday morning to 12:00 PM Sunday afternoon and then when you're down on your luck? Don't know you exist,drop out of the church, don't come by to see you ever and eight years later STILL send you their requests for money, money, money. I'm simply amazed. I send it back every time signed - No thank you I still don't need any help, and add a smiley face.
As far as family? I have a Mom. I have a sister and a niece, but even when you're with them? You're not. So why pretend? The rest of the 'so called' family I told off at my Grandmother's funeral for being self-absorbed, childish (at twice my age then) and as usual before G'ma was out of the funeral home trying to figure out how they could get into my Mother's house where G'ma had lived for the last 24 years (of which they may have visited 5 times when promising scads) to get ALL of the things she didn't have living on SSI. No love loss there. With regards to friends? I'll refer to the same kinds of people I've met at the church -with the exception of the people I've met here. So that leaves DF, my furkids, and Dude, who's just SO much fun at present. 20 year old boys with girls on their minds make poor shopping buddies.
So ......I'm alone. No one (here) calls me and says HEY lets go to lunch, or shopping, or movie. Ever. Twelve years....and nada. I tried, I reached out - and every time? I get my heart broke, my hand smacked, myself righted in my mind. So I spend my time pursuing things that make ME happy. If I didn't work? I'd find classes and learn things. I'd volunteer my time more somewhere on MY terms. It wouldn't necessarily be to go out and make buddies.....but I love to learn. I enjoy teaching what I know too....you just have to find what you enjoy and turn it into something that you can make money from or that helps someone, or that brings you even more pleasure to do.
I stopped a long time ago trying to figure out what it was about ME that everyone didn't like. I can't fix them....if it IS something that they didn't like. But I figure out about me, and be the best ME I can be. That's something I have control over. Them? No control over. Me? All the control in the world over. What they do, when they come, where they go, how often they invite? No control. ME? Where I go, what I do, what I learn, how interesting I become, what I learn, how happy I allow myself to be, how much sadness I shed? I can control that. Then you think - WHO wants to be around someone that is like Eeyore every day? (Except for Winnie the Pooh and well, you know he's full of stuffing and honey) and really? No one. So being cheery is a choice.
Find things you're happy about every minute. It's hard....especially when you're trying to figure out why you're alone or what cosmic thing in the universe is having the WWF smackdown in your life to show you MARCH 2010: THIS IS THE MONTH OF HUMILITY - I think like that too.
The entire lesson of life is - learn every minute of every day how to be the best person you can possibly be so that when you show your face to the world and they see you? You are a reflection of things they will desire to be because your enthusiasm is contagious. It's a great gift.
I think once you're like that? If you WANT to have people to go out with and be with? They'll just automatically be there - the right ones too. You also have to consider this on the opposite side of the coin. The people that you are thinking can't go out with you? May have bigger problems than you think and like to keep things pretty close because sharing isn't an option. While you've had to share a lot of your personal life because of having a difficult child? They haven't and are still in that realm of "talking about problems is TABU." SO take that into consideration. A lot of women too consider that lunch or dinner with someone are 'information gathering' sessions and not just a luncheon. So their radars are up almost immediately. My Mom is like that. So if you were to send a cute little card with a hand written note inside to someone that said "Just lunch - me and you - NO TALKING about family, kids, work." - Lets just have a burger and chat about the weather today. Maybe you'd get an invite - or at least a ?? phone call. Then you could say "People always think a lunch is a catch up session - I just want to have a nice lunch, with a friend, and not talk about anything but lipstick and fashion." - I've done that with an acquaintance and got the call back and she was just gobsmacked....laughed and said "Well okay if we're not talking about kids or the old man - FINE." and we didn't. It was a nice lunch. Nicest she had in years she said. She almost talked about her son - I told my spoon and tapped her glass...shook my head. That was the end of that.
So whenever you do get to your therapist....tell her you are the happiest person you know and working on it.

Then figure out what you're going to do to take up your time....WHen you become the most interesting person you know - everyone else will just flock to you...either that or you'll just go off and teach and have people around you all the time.
Interesting thought not?
Personally? I figured out I'm okay being alone. I just don't like to be lonely. But I LOVE wearing earplugs in Walmart.