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I swear I must really be a terrible parent. My son is in jail charged with attempted robbery. He actually just called me & demanded that I go pay the drug dealer off that he is charged with robbing. He told me he will never speak to me again if I don't. I told him I would be charged with- bribery for this & would never do something so stupid. He just told me there was no way I could get charged for this. He honestly just doesn't care. I asked him who would take care of of him & his sister if I were sent to prison. He told me I'm just being dramatic. I really don't know why he is so thoughtless & uncaring. His dad was very abusive toward me, but I always tried to raise him to be respectful of others. I also taught him not to steal, marching him back into Farm Fresh & making him apologize to the store manager & return a bottle of wine he stole when he was 14. None of my other 3 children have ever gotten in any trouble with the law, & certainly never disrespect me like he does. No matter what he does, he's my son & I will always love him, but I made it abundantly clear he will have to take responsibility & pay for any crimes he commits. I just don't know what it will take to turn this boy around. It's like he just has this need to self-destruct.