Yep, been there done that but Sherrill, it's not about you, never was about you, and never will be about you. It's on HIM.
To come at it from another direction---I've said this before, and I know it sounds kind of weird, but it really resonates with me---I'm not powerful enough to make somebody become a drug addict. You're not either.
To make somebody become a drug addict and steal things and break the law would make you and me the Power Princesses of All Time. And guess what---that's right---that's a comic book character. Read: not real.
We can't make anybody do a single thing they don't want to do. We all have choices, and they have choices, and your son has chosen. I'm so glad you didn't entertain for one second the idea that you might pay off anything for him.
Not gonna' happen. Hang in there Sherrill. We get it. We get you. And we get him.