Wish, I am honored.
Wish, we can stand our ground without being unkind. It is not unkind to disagree with anothers point of view nor to do something other than somebody we love wants us to do.
Wish, most people are good. I dont know why my mother hated me but she wasnt mean to everyone. Nor is my sister. Are they evil?
Maybe pretty mean to me, but on some level I am sure I hurt them. I know my mother saw herself in me..and she did t like herself. And her mother, my dear grandmother, favored me, loved me to the moon, gave me the unconditional love that maybe she felt she never got. I was grandmas favorite grandchild hands down and grandmas favorite child hands down was my mothers brother. Maybe this hurt her. Also I was the.kid who called her out on her dysfunction.
My sister says I hurt her. I believe I did. I am not sure why or when except for one incident. We never talked about these things, but that does not mean they are horrid people nor that I am horrid. I did not wish my mother to die of brain cancer. It made me very sad. I wish my sister no ill. I want with all I have in me for her to find the love she wants with a man who is kind. Inside me, I hope the best for all.
But this doesnt mean I can be around my sister. She hurt me too deeply too many times and called the cops on me for no reason and will NEVER admit she ever made a mistake. I dont want that in my life. Cant risk more cops. Im almost 65. I dont need cops coming by because she is angry at me so she calls the cops to punish me. She never has to hear from me again. And vice versa.
You can wish the entire world no ill (I wish all to be happy) but I still choose who I am comfortable with regarding attending big affairs. You can send a gift for a wedding and send well wishes and not show up. There are heartfelt condolence cards too.
That is enough.
You are obviously a kind, loving person
If you fear going to a family event, I for one believe you have reason. Trust your gut.
Do not overplay DNA. My daughter marries next year and is not inviting my sister or brother, the only two DNA left for me. They wont care and they were never in her life. I may add that three of my awesome kids are adopted. I would not trade any of them for my DNA.
DNA does not mean family. Do I need to repeat it? DNA does not mean family.
DNA isnt even our flesh and.blood. We have seperate flesh and blood. My kids and husband are so dear they are my heart. THEY are my flesh and blood and heart. A woman somehow DNA related to my dad who I have never seen is NOT my flesh and blood and not in my heart, which is most important to me.
Love has nothing to fo with DNA.
And Wish and Copa you two kind ladies with hearts of gold are inferior to nobody. Nobody.