Well-Known Member
I can't see the top one, the white part. I only see the black man and black table. What is the white design in the top one, New Leaf? I have never seen that one before.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Where is this quote from, Cedar?
Why is it so hard for us to claim our strength? Why are we both right now dealing with this perceptual issue of volition or subjection?
But as adults alone means individual. It means strong. Independent. With the capacity for self-actualization.
This is a choice point Cedar. You cannot have it both ways. It must be decided. Figure or ground.
That might have been part of the struggle these past 2 plus years, to grow strong enough, to grow into the role I took on at the end of my mother's life. And in a way, at the beginning of my own.
It has to do with seeing others for who and what they are.
I do not like this, Cedar. Are you saying your mother is a god? To choose powerfully is arrogance? I do not think so. You are so, so hard on yourself. Still. Judgmental.
You are welcome. Thank you Cedar.Thank you, Copa.
Yes.To declare whatever happened in our families of origin to have been the completion, the victorious next step, and to take it from there as you did too Copa (and so did I) in creating the lives we did create in the first place.
Yes.Oh look: Strength, roaring and raging and overflowing its banks, has been there; all along, it has been intent ~ our intentions ~ that were shattered.
Yes.We are recovering intent, Copa. That is why these questions, these concepts, now.
Yes.Volition: Imagine what I may have said or done to have been told, over and over and over "don't think, Cedar."
Yes.That is who I am. Not the person to whom those things were spoken, but the person who refused to acquiesce.
Yes.last desperate attempts to destroy what could not be destroyed.
Yes. I think so. Thus, the scuba, Triathlon, fishing, camping, surfing, open water swim, textile stuff, art stuff, easels, cameras, pretty clothes, jewelry and more jewelry. Winter clothes and boots and gloves and hats. *And dancing shoes of all manner. It was never the stuff. I was buying the props of who I wanted to be, what I wanted my life to be as it ends, as I end it. That is more to the point. I want to decide.The essence is that what we see in our minds is what we will move toward; is what we will feel is familiar ground.
Smart.He suggested that a woman put an empty picture frame next to her bed. The frame was for a picture of herself, all dreams fulfilled.
How wonderful.Within three years, for this woman, the picture would be taken, and the frame, filled.
I think this is what I have been doing. Imagining myself in various facets and doing what I could do in these 2 years plus to make it concrete. With the stuff.Then, Joel Osteen went on to say: "Nothing they imagined was impossible to them."
You know a few months ago I got enraged at M when he insisted we had to live in just one place. Either stay here or go East. Not both. Because of the logistics of it. (I mean it is across the country. We have 3 animals. I do not drive freeways and he is afraid to drive on freeways with me. I admit it: logistical issues."Why can't we have both?"
And that is what they decide: We will have both and more and forever.
Yes. That is exactly what it is Cedar. You are quick. Now you have surpassed me, and I am afraid. It is far easier to focus on you, and not on myself. I am beginning to panic here.With stepping out of the shadow self and understanding it was a construct. Just...stepping aside, and into the Light.
I remember a few months ago I called the Child Psychoanalyst we saw for many years. When my son did not want to talk with him, I would. So we know each other well. I stopped when he told me that getting involved with M would be a mistake.I would roar: "Surely You don't mean my children! Surely, You've made a mistake!!! You are mistaken! I refuse to allow this. I will save them myself!"
Yes.Copa: I survived everything my mother did. The rest of it was my responsibility. I did, and you did too Copa, create a rich, full life.
The intentions. Maybe that is why we were not ready for "saudades". We could feel the yearning. But did not have fully formed intentions. But loss or being defensive, in danger, afraid or angry or feeling blocked. We needed intentions. Proudly, without fear. In the light. Not the shadows. The margins."Nothing they imagined was impossible to them."
That is why we need to dream bigger than we are, bigger than we know or can believe.
Copa this is huge, I am so happy for you.I wanted to let you know that it has been 3 full days that I have not retreated to the bedroom to be by myself. At all I am in the great room/kitchen all day, either with M or with the animals. When M is here I listen to his icky Spanish Language TV--like survivor shows or Catinflas at best. I have been working on paperwork and organizing.
This is another big change for you. Change is not an easy thing.I am not sure what it was that shifted. And I have reduced my buying significantly. Perhaps 75 percent. The last two days I think I bought one thing.
You know Copa, people reach out for something, anything to hold onto, when life turns us upside down. Please don't feel badly and ashamed. You are a good person.Sometimes I feel very bad and ashamed I bought all of that stuff......... I do not know why or what for, but it seems I was trying to figure out who I would be, what I would be if I could choose. I do not think I ever really did so before.
It's okay Copa, it is not anyones business to judge you for anything. I do not think badly of you, I look at it as just trying different things to step into what may be next for you.As I read the above I feel like other people might judge me harshly to equate consumerism with self-awareness, believing me to be vain or self-indulgent. I have nothing to say for myself. It was just this way.
Well, what's done is done, isn't it? You have made great strides in changing, good for you. Now, it is about figuring out what you want to keep, and what to let go. Baby steps.If I had really been able to be intentional from the beginning I would have probably started at where I ended up: Artist-made individual pieces. But I could not hold that intention before I ended up there. I could not know what I wanted. I do not know why. I had to travel there. It makes me feel sad that it had to be that way.
Copa, I know you have written about liking the movement of the city.I am beginning to think that we really will go back east. I have not mentioned it to M. But despite the obstacles I am feeling we can go because I will hold it as an intention to do so. I am more afraid to go, and feel less the need to. But I want to. If that makes sense. I am more aware of the richness of what we have here. But want more, if that makes sense.
I was not a complete person for most of my life. I believe I am now.
I think I agree with you, Cedar.the essence of the harm done to us, when we were hurt in the power-over patterns of relationship in our families of origin, had to do with the capacity for self-determination
I am so filled with sadness here, I cannot even stay there.Like anyone, we too interpret ourselves through our relationships to our families; we come out of those systems believing that what they've taught us about what matters in a life is true.
Cedar, you and I know what our mother's did. Shaming and mocking and humiliating us. And the rage. Not to mention the rage directed at us.the families had to be structured in such a way that internal locus of control, which is how we come into the world to begin with, was utterly destroyed so that the power-over dynamic could function and the primary abuser could feed.
Yes. I wonder if this is at work with my driving. Now. It is getting worse and worse. I am still OK during the day in my own town. Outside of it, even on minor highways I am frantic. I used to be OK on country roads. I am not.For us, these ways we have been raised will have affected the self talk involved in our abilities to concentrate.
Yes. I am wondering if that is why I become so unnerved when M is in the car. I must feel a taste of anxiety and it becomes full-blown. Because I remember. And all at once, I am there, again. In that place.I think those words and the emotions attending them, which we will have picked up on more clearly than the words themselves are at the heart of the meaning
I mentioned in another thread that M's evil sister called him a couple of days ago to wish him Merry Christmas. She mentioned to him, and then, him to me, that she was doing so well she is driving freeways.But...once we see that, we can so easily declare the abuser's power-over dynamic ~ that "win" I am always posting about ~ for the illegitimate thing it is.
And then, we are free.
About us, in us, that we tell ourselves.Which means it has always been the beliefs imposed upon us in our defenseless childhoods that kept us imprisoned, there in that prison constructed of hatred and lies.
As time goes by I change with M. Last night at M's sister's house, I did not feel comfortable. My hip hurt. I told M. I want to leave early. I do not want to stay. He said to his family. "We are leaving. Thank you. Goodbye." He parked the car so I could jump in and avoid the puddles and we drove away. I told him, you can go back when you drop me off. I will be afraid with you driving at night, but I will be OK at home."We need a role model I think, someone who loves us (or maybe, someone who hates us, like a Marine Sargeant is able to change and motivate his recruits), to recover from this way that we think
When I was in graduate school I had to write a lot of papers. My own discipline was a highly conventional one. But I took courses outside of it, in history and political theory. How I loved writing those papers, to have my mind travel where ever it wanted. Composing something of my own mind and what it made of things...that had never before existed.Part of Germany has to do with permission for the expectation of personal excellence in a quest in which the guidelines are not clear and the answers are unknown and so, the only thing firing the quest is pure intention; is our own curiosity.
Yes. For us, it was broken. We could use it in the service of our family.Do you see the strength that would create? That is what was broken, in us.
To feel safe in ourselves, for ourselves. And to feel safety with others. There was a trust that was destroyed. Of ourselves. And for ourselves with others. We are rebuilding it.That ability to believe in ourselves in that certain way.
While my and M's relationship is pretty new *six years, I am feeling the same kind of changing. We are not so much defined by words and deeds, but by being together. And the sustenance I feel is a wordless devotion by him, and his tenderness that he exposes to me, and shows me. I think both of us could pass the rest of our lives together just together with nothing else happening. And it would be OK. That frightens me. It would be a lot to lose.even with my D H. Not in the cascading way I care for him, now.
I think we have not been present to ourselves. I think we have created meaningful and full lives for everybody except us. Now our task is to experience and be present ourselves in our lives.I wonder whether the deepening we all experience as we mature is maturation, or whether I have lived my life sort of functioning on two cylinders instead of six (or however many there are supposed to be)
How many times has one of us told the other how harsh we can be to ourselves? How judgmental. How merciless. We have taken a power over position in ourselves of our self. We have learned to beat ourselves up, in absentia. That is the horrible truth.the essence of the harm done to us, when we were hurt in the power-over patterns of relationship in our families of origin, had to do with the capacity for self-determination
How I found the strength and integrity at 11 and 13 and 15 years old to defy, is beyond me to know. I thank g-d for it. I do.
But the coupe de grace we gave ourselves. We learned to abandon ourselves. That is the part I still struggle with myself. I abandon myself.
Imagine how it was for us, as children? Nobody ever thinking about us. We were all alone.
I think both of us could pass the rest of our lives together just together with nothing else happening. And it would be OK. That frightens me. It would be a lot to lose.
How many times has one of us told the other how harsh we can be to ourselves? How judgmental. How merciless. We have taken a power over position in ourselves of our self. We have learned to beat ourselves up, in absentia. That is the horrible truth.
I am thinking again of the concentration camp. The stoolies. The people, the Jewish people, who in each camp governed their own people. Imagine the self-contempt at the root of it that could be turned and used toward such an end?
Maybe that is why I could never sympathize with her. Because the way she betrayed me over and over again was the same thing I did to myself. Or a variant of it. I hated what she did and could not allow myself see it clearly, because I could not, still, see myself. As a betrayer of me.
I deprived myself of empathy for her. I made her bad. Because I was like her. In myself, towards myself. How sad and bad would that be? Very bad. Very sad.