With each post I write I've been meaning to say thank you for the warm welcomes here.. so before I forget again...
Thank you all for the warm welcomes, and for all the advice!
re: my son's basement cat.
I'm an animal person too but this cat is an evil thing.
It attacks my legs as I go down stairs and bites for no reason.
He was/is a feral cat.. he's healthy but he's not neutered because son refused to pay for it,
so every time the cat get's mad it pees on his clothes and since he does own laundry that's his problem.
When I was putting my foot down about the cat not staying.. haha..not a very strong foot obviously,
son would flip out and manipulate me into letting the cat stay for 'just awhile longer'..
I see now how I've been manipulated all along, and if you'll bear with me while I bi*ch about husband for a second......husband never put his foot down either... about anything. He would tell me to tell him, he did that with all the kids, and for the longest time I was doing that but then one day easygoing me totally flipped out on husband and refused to be the go-between between him and any of the kids anymore.
My son was in the bathroom not 10ft away from us, and husband told me to tell him to put the garbage out.. well, I lost it.. I told him he's got a voice, use it.
(husband always tried his best to avoid confrontation but I won't let him get away with that anymore.)
Which is why I say I'm surprised and happy that husband is taking over the reins now in dealing with the problem son.
So, as you can see my marriage is getting a long needed overhaul, and my life is getting an overhaul.
Mom's tired and just wants peace in her life, and is not going to settle for less.
well, I got totally off track there.
Writing these posts has really been cathartic for ME, not sure if they do anything for you.. LOL.
Thanks for putting up with me.
I look at what I write and think ... I must be crazy to have put up with all this bs for this long. I read what you all write, and I sit here nodding my head.. yes, you're right. I agree.. but couldn't see the proverbial forest through the trees enough to get myself out of this mess with son. But, I do now. I was parenting through a haze of guilt and it wasn't good for me, or for my son. He's 24.. He's got to grow up. Everybody in this family has to grow up and stop coming to me to fix things.. even husband.
My other son called me last night and asked to borrow $40 bucks.. He still owes me I don't know how much money that he's yet to repay.. I told him the Bank Of Mom has gone out of business.. I even surprised myself with that remark. I'm getting there.
So anyway, husband and son had The Real Talk last night. Son swore he'd never steal again ever of course, but wouldn't cop to any more thefts.. so husband told him he'd give him a couple of days to think and remember if he did steal anything else and wanted to confess which I thought was good thinkin' on his part. He said he'd get his GED, but not at the place where I suggested because he's afraid that all his old teachers will be there.We're not sure what that has to do with anything.. embarrassment maybe, feeling like a failure?
Son cried and was teary eyed throughout the talk.. He's never done that before, and surprisingly he didn't get up and leave in the middle of it like he's done with me before. There were no histrionics, no threats, no flipping out, So, I think husband is getting through to him at this moment, maybe it's just the whole man to man thing..I don't know..but we're still not sure if son was just bs'ing us or if he'll really make a change. husband told him this is his last chance. If he screws up again or if husband finds out about something else that he's stolen that he didn't admit to, he's gone. No notice.. He'll just find his bags at the front door and the locks changed.
I was feeling much more hopeful yesterday, but not so much today. I keep looking for remorse from my son, but I don't see it. I think he thinks this will get swept under the rug, and forgotten like everything else... but not this time.. Mom has back up! husband and I are keeping each other strong. I'm actually kind of regretting that we made the decision to let him stay, and i think husband is too.
But we did.. so we'll see what happens from here.
Deep down inside I must know that son is going to screw up. It was weird. I hit the submit button on this post and then the thought immediately came into my head that I have to go to the store.. to buy new locks for the doors.