Well, if my 30 year high school reunion is any indication, I'd say there are plenty of people from my generation (I'm 50) who were heavy pot-smokers back in the day, that turned out to be very successful adults. I think for some, pot is a gateway drug, but in my opinion those are the people that are genetically pre-disposed to addiction anyway. I do think one can be a "casual" pot smoker just as one can be a "casual/social" drinker. But as has been said, many of our difficult children don't fall into that category.
I agree that it's not that drugs are more prominent, it's that we hear about them more because of the incredible "instant news" society we're in now. We also are all coming from a skewed perspective, because so many of our difficult children are involved in drugs or have friends that are involved in drugs. My daughters are 4 years apart, but only one got involved with the "drug crowd" in high school. I've thought often about how much my perception of their high school changed in those 4 years; when Oldest was there I never heard of any drugs, because she didn't hang out with that crowd. When Youngest was there, all I heard about was this person and that person being arrested or overdosing or being suspended. It seemed like it was the drug haven of our area. I don't think the school atually changed in those 4 years, I think I just saw it from a different perspective when Youngest was there.
I agree that it's not that drugs are more prominent, it's that we hear about them more because of the incredible "instant news" society we're in now. We also are all coming from a skewed perspective, because so many of our difficult children are involved in drugs or have friends that are involved in drugs. My daughters are 4 years apart, but only one got involved with the "drug crowd" in high school. I've thought often about how much my perception of their high school changed in those 4 years; when Oldest was there I never heard of any drugs, because she didn't hang out with that crowd. When Youngest was there, all I heard about was this person and that person being arrested or overdosing or being suspended. It seemed like it was the drug haven of our area. I don't think the school atually changed in those 4 years, I think I just saw it from a different perspective when Youngest was there.