You'll need to sit down for this one....


Keeping my fingers and toes crossed, sending good thoughts for tomorrow, Star. How great it is to hear such good news!


Here we go again!
I am genuinely misty-eyed over your account of his morning! That's just SO touching, SO amazing, SO FANTASTIC. I'm sure you were afraid to breathe...

And so yes it does seem rather ludicrous that the agency is prepared to rip him from this place, where he's got the very beginnings of maturity roots starting to sprout, only to plop him into a less-than-hospitable environment. Are they TRYING to kill his chances of success? What the heck is THEIR motivation for this? What are they getting out of his placement OVER THERE instead of where he is right now? Is it MONEY? WHAT?


call 911
We suspect that since he is 18 and signed a contract with them there is a clause that says they can move him at will. If he refuses their suggestion they can dismiss him for non compliance. They KNEW over a year ago when we had problems with the group home from hades (GHFH) and asked for him to be moved that we did NOT approve of this other boys home. We vehemently refused to send him there. I have seen nicer dog pounds. Razor wire, and run down cinder block building that was very old with jalousy type crank out windows and no lawn, not much better supervision.

And that time the caseworker said "You do NOT want him to go there - it's ROUGH." we went, we saw, we left. Not a good environment at all. Felt sorry for the kids that were there.

It really makes NO sense but the agency keeps saying "We're doing this for Dude, for his best interest." and NO ONE understands it. Not his parents, not Dude, not the foster parents, you all.....and the only thing we can think is that BECAUSE this place would cost $1200 a month vs. foster care at less than 1/2 that - this is their ploy.

Even if Dude WERE to take them up on their offer and go? He would fail up there - not enough supports in place. Once he fails they would throw their hands up and say "Well that's it we're out of options! and dismiss him for "non-complianc". Yet the agency's only argument is - Well they will get him a job. Well sir, there are millions of Americans out of work right now and I imagine in that little town, college educated workers are flipping burgers to keep the mortgage up. If you had to choose between a teenager with emotional problems and a man with a wife and kids to give a $7.50 hr. job to - WHO WOULD YOU GIVE IT TO? AND the fact that the program at this group home they paint so lovely is 'relatively new' has just made us mad. ONCE AGAIN they are sending him to a place not tried stating it is the best. (just like group home from H only a couple miles away from there matter of fact.) Yeah - he's looking at 30 years in jail so LET'S SEND HIM BACK TO THE SAME TOWN....they should LOVE him there. If they threw him in jail for attempted burglary for riding a moped at night? I can't wait to see what the law would do if they found him living back there again! Gosh - (slap face)

Keeping the faith - and pushing an extra seat up to the table for our higher power....while our Board Aunties stand behind us and glare.

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Roll With It
Sending hugs and prayers as you go into battle yet again. I am SOO PROUD of Dude. he truly has come such a long way, and overcome some pretty daunting obstacles.

Let us know the outcome when youcan. And call me if you need me.



Active Member
I still don't understand it- I don't think I ever will. First, these agencies are usually looking to keep in kid in the cheapest place. If it costs less to keep Dude with the foster family and the foster family has no problem with Dude staying, then why even consider moving him? Especially when Dude is doing well there and you are comfortable with it? If it works, don't fix it!!!

And it just soooooo BURNS me when outside people want to come in, do a cursory review of something, then act like they are the authority over what is in my son's (or your son's) best interest.

Are you going to be at this meeting or does Dude have to go through it alone?