
  1. Alisonlg

    Met with psychiatrist *finally*

    So we had an appointment with M's psychiatrist Thursday morning... I swear, I don't think he even listened to my message on the voicemail!!! I left a VERY detailed message describing M's "manic" behaviors, etc. and when I got in his office today I had to re-describe it all and when it started and how long it...
  2. S

    difficult child has psychiatrist appointment.

    She has psychiatrist appointment this morning, and I am going to be unable to make it because I have my first therapist appointment at the same time. I am just hoping that husband is able to get through to psychiatrist. She doesn't listen to us often times. So fingers crossed that things go well at the psychiatrists and at the tdocs for...
  3. jannie

    tic central

    Sorry I haven't been around too much--Two weeks ago I checked out Facebook...and wow it sure can be addicting... Anyway...difficult child 1 started this new tic about 5 days ago where he is shrugging his shoulder and moving his head side to side rapidly multiple times a minute all day long !!! He has been...
  4. B

    Anyone tried seroquel? comments?

    My little guy has been having really bad days. He has had some relief on risperdal but it caused him to gain a lot of weight gain. Just quickly wanted to see if any of you have had success with seroquel helping. I know of course that every child is different on these medications. He has gone out...
  5. S


    I posted before about my son not tolerating respidone. His dr does not want him to go back to abilify. She is going to put him on something called seroquil. The abilify did help somewhat for his aggression and sib. Since his behavior on risperdone was awful,will he react the same way with...
  6. llamafarm

    Had to tell him I will call the police

    Finally in no unclear terms I told difficult child that I will call the police if he hits me one more time. It was very clearly an I'm not kidding tone, one that surprised even me. Now the follow through. Wish me luck. It has been two days of coming home from school and his hitting me like crazy over...
  7. Lothlorien

    One Happy Mama!!

    P-doctor placed Missy on Abilify. Started her on Wednesday night. Today, was amazing. I think this was the first day in her entire life that I didn't have to yell, or punish or was just aggravated by her in some way. Oh my gosh.....not one problem the entire day. This has never...
  8. F

    tell me it gets better...please!!!

  9. givnmegryhr

    In your opinion to

    What medication targets aggression the best. I am taking a poll as to which medication. works best for your child. My son is on Risperdal. It was the first medication to help ,but I feel it is starting to poop out. So I'm just wondering what has worked well for others with aggressive kids. Thanks.
  10. muts80

    About to send difficult child to residential!!!

    Ok, so today was absolutely aweful!! difficult child was playing outside with the neighborhood kids when not once, not twice, nope...not even three times....try FOUR meltdowns. I mean kicking, screaming, banging his head against the cement pillar outside, the back door, and his closet door (and broke it)...
  11. J

    lamictal update and question......

    hi :) so we're on day 5 of lamictal. i've noticed at bedtime the first night she passed out on half of 25mg i know really low dose. yet the rest of the nights it activated her. i have call into psychdoc for an appointment. yet i was wondering anyone else have this experience?? if so did it help...
  12. TerryJ2

    Arrrggh! Just paid $688 for 1 mo supply of Abililfy!

    I looked up the generic online, and Aripiprazole won't be available in generic until 2015. But I can get it from Canada for about $4.87 per 10 mg pill by mail order. But there are so many warnings that not all the generics are alike, because they're not the "Official" generics. We have Anthem...
  13. JJJ

    Fixed Delusions

    Kanga has a couple of fixed paranoid delusions. The therapist can't reach her because to Kanga these are very real. Are there any medication that helps treat impaired reality: delusions, hallucinations, etc??????
  14. crazymama30


    So difficult child is being cross tapered from Abilify to Seroquel. He is currently at 7.5mg Abilify (was at 15mg twice a day) and 200mg Seroquel. I spoke to him last night, and his irritability is way up. He says he is tired (he always says that even if he is crazy active, I think his body gets tired...
  15. JJJ


    Eeyore is now hearing voices. His voices aren't threatening like Kangas. It (he calls it Bob) is more full of mischief and talks to John about the future. I can't handle any more mental illness...
  16. M

    shocked at on-call psychiatrist's 'solution'.

    Sorry I've been absent for so long, we've been super busy and handling lots of changes. Recently we changed difficult child's medications from risperdal and depakote to abilify and a slightly higher dosage of depakote. The risperdal just wasn't working. Changing over took just under a month and we have been doing...
  17. R

    Anyone done this medication combo?

    difficult child 2 has moved into full blown Early Onset Bipolar 1 since starting school the beginning of Sept. A lot of mixed symptoms that culminated in aggressive rages. While I was pretty sure he would end up with a BiPolar (BP) diagnosis his psychiatrist was on the fence and stuck with the Mood Disorder not otherwise specified label until a...
  18. Hanging-On

    Stopping a hysterical difficult child....how??

    We all know that once our difficult child's become irrational, there's no way of getting through to them until they're calm. But I need some advice on the following. difficult child starts crying hysterically over the smallest thing, which is normally in his control to fix or do if he just did it. For example: this...
  19. S

    procentra update

    I haven't posted here in a while. My last post I was asking about an adhd medication called procentra. He started this a few weeks ago. I can't really tell much of a difference in his behavior at home. He is in summer school and I did not give it to him the first day. I have given it to him each...
  20. C

    Sara PA & Shari

    Sara nad Shari, I would really apprecaite your insight on a situation we are having with my son and the possiblitty of clonidine being the cause. Anyone else with comments or info please feel free to respond as well. Thanks. Sara, In reading your replies to others and myself, I have...