
  1. totoro

    Another Risperdal ?

    So I am trying to be patient here... ha ha. But, difficult child increased her Risperdal from .25mg bid to .50mg bid as of last Thursday. So it has been 5 actual days (complete doses) She wet her bed last night, did not wake up. Has gained another pound, this is now 6 pounds in 8 weeks. With heavy duty food...
  2. hamsterwheel

    Is there hope?

    How do reach a child that is engulfed in abandonment and despair? She looks to her me, her mom for the answers, to guide her, to love her. Mother says you can reach for the stars, you can do it, only to come back with an empty hand, broken and defeated. My daughter, the reason I breathe is...
  3. M

    BiPolar (BP) rage, control

    Any comments on the following: the medication (abilify 7mg) keeps things quite wonderful (except for some excess weight) most of the time but once every few days, when he's tired, he'll go into a mode where he wants to control everyone completely and then of course is frustrated and lashes out in a...
  4. klmno

    My visit to juvenile courts/intake

    was interesting. I had modified my letter to the judge based on opinions from several board members and to reflect a little more specific stuff but took out the BiPolar (BP) definition. Anyway, I was going to apply for a chins through intake, as the clerk recommended last week, then take that and ask...
  5. K

    School called AGAIN

    Well, after the other night I told school, do NOT call me. Gave them husband's cell number, informed them he cannot answer, leave him a message and he will return the call. Please do not call me. Alex does not listen to me and I am not dealing with him. I KNOW husband will NOT tell me if school calls...
  6. scaredofhim

    Weary...More Drama

    My other thread disappeared somehow but needed to start a new one anyway since this morning there was more drama with SS. BM took him to school, and says he had a "panic attack" and refused to go in and was having a serious meltdown. He told her that he would not go into the school unless she...
  7. C

    Possible medicine side effect?? (Urine control issue)

    I just observed the strangest thing. difficult child had been in bed for about 10-15 m. I noticed his bathroom light turn on and then heard the sound of liquid flowing. It was very loud and different sounding so I got up to figure out what in the world he was doing. I found him standing there in the...
  8. crazymama30

    appetite increase

    Ever since increasing difficult child's abilify to 4mg (yes a small dose) his appetite has doubled, even tripled. Now this is the kiddo that I had to force to eat dinner, and many times he would skip lunch. He would eat a sandwich only for dinner. But now, look out. He eats lunch, dinner and a bedtime...
  9. Janna


    Ehh, I dunno, I'm not liking this drug. We started it Sunday. Anyone have any experience with it? The psychiatrist said when we start, at only 20 mg., it could stimulate Dylan. So, he said, if that happens, to increase the dose to 40 mg., that would calm him. I didn't ask (and am kicking myself now)...
  10. G

    difficult child II is being released 2morrow -he seems worse

    Ugh, I knew today was weekend is going to be a repeat of last week, if not worse, I can tell by how he was tonight.
  11. AK0603

    What mood disorder medications have worked for your difficult child?

    My son is going to see his psychiatrist again Thursday, his father is going to call me after the appointment. His dad said the therapist also suggest doing some kind of mood disorder medication. and I have searched online at a few different ones but mainly found them for adults. Curious what your children are on...
  12. Janna

    We Started The Concerta For Dylan

    Ok, so it's only day 3, but so far so good Interesting, I give him the 18 mg tab in the A.M. with his Synthroid and Lithium. He's only been eating about 1/2 his 1 cup of cereal and saying he's full. Small lunch at school. Then he takes that Abilify at night with supper. And it starts. "Can I...
  13. M

    Geodon ?

    difficult child had a short trial of Geodon many years ago, and I recall it didn't go well. Currently he's on Abilify, but eats a lot, however he is a growing boy at 13. Wondering if we should try Geodon again (to replace abilify) as I've heard it doesn't have the hunger effect. ANy thoughts positive or...
  14. A

    Hello again....

    I haven't been on the site for a few years. I am not sure why really. I used to come on a lot when my difficult child was undiagnosed and I learned so much here! What an amazing forum this is. Things are still difficult. difficult child's tics are becoming quite severe, he has the middle finger tic, head shaking...
  15. L

    Repeat after me: I will not strangle the teacher, I will not......

    Ok....after the stress of difficult child not wanting to go to school last night....we found out he had terrible headaches.....he woke up still with a headache!!!! But was willing to go to school, even while crying in car of bad headache! So school nurse phoned me to say I must come and fetch him, he has...
  16. crazymama30

    We both need sleep

    difficult child is doing well since he got home, except in one area. He is having a really hard time falling asleep. Melatonin used to help, but is not touching it now. This kid had never had problems sleeping, he would go to bed between 8 and 9 on his own and fall asleep. Now? The first night home...
  17. E

    New Member, can use advice,

    got a feeling you've all heard this one before! difficult child son is 15, oppositional from day 1, but a very sweet kid when he's not having a tantrum. Always needed a "pacifier" (toy trucks, batman figures, etc). Was diagnosed ADD, executive function issues a few years ago. Hates to read, or sit...
  18. M


    So now it's pretty obvious difficult child has cervical dystonia which goes to upper back/shoulders as well. We stopped Geodon, and he's back on 15mg Abilify and 2 mg of Benztropin. I think dystonia abated a bit after a week or two of this dose of Benztropin, but far from 0. Very correlated with him...
  19. J

    Wetting pants?

    I'm full of questions today.... S has been having a lot of accidents lately. I can't tell if they're because he's too busy or what but he's had 3 in as many weeks lately. Could this be a side effect of his medications? or something else? Should I bring this up to his psychiatrist? He's 7 and been...
  20. D

    frustrated mom

    10 yo difficult child took first dose of abilify ( 1 mg) Wed am. complained all day of stomach cramps, with the runs. Not sure if this is a side effect or just her being lactose intollerant, which she is anyone who's difficult child is taking abilifywere there any side effects