
  1. crazymama30


    So yesterday difficult child had an appointment with psychiatrist, and then I had an appointment with his therapist. I went to pick him up from school, and he was in the office. He had taken a bottle of generic Immodium(pills) to school and was reportedly bragging about it. Principal was not there, so I am expecting a call from the...
  2. G

    New psychiatrist new RX's

    Prozac for difficult child II and the Daytrona Patch for difficult child I Thoughts? Tips? Opinions?
  3. amy4129

    ??'s rages/ seizures and Depakote

    Any one with any thoughts.... Kens seizures (3) have followed rages or extreme anger.??? He states he has no memory or little memory. Today was " Mom, I just can't control me and I don't know why" Seeing P-doctor tomorrow behavior is very atypical of him...strange. Depakote= what have your difficult child's...
  4. crazymama30

    more medication changes

    and I hate medication changes. About a month or so ago we increased difficult child's daytrana due to increased hyperactivity, impulsivity, and he was just on the go. The first week I saw no change, the second week he was great! Thoughtful, kind, calm, everything I knew he could be. Well that only lasted a...
  5. amazeofgrace


    Ugh in the past two months, I have had Lithium thrown out on the table to me for difficult child II, 3 times. Today makes 4 times. Sigh............. I am on the fence on this one. I had an Uncle with BiPolar (BP), who died after the hospital over dosed him on Lithium, because they never bothered to check his levels...
  6. waytootired

    Experiences with Risperdal ?

    My difficult child is BiPolar (BP) & has been on Risperdal for about nine months. He has really been doing well on it as far as behaviors and NO big rages. Other than weight gain issues, he has tolerated this medication well. The last couple of months he has been complaining that his legs feel really weird. He has...
  7. jannie

    tics, tics and more tics

    difficult child has been having so many tics lately. He used to do one or two things (mainly coughing), but for the past two weeks he is constantly ticing. He is sniffing his nose and moving his jaw up and down. It doesn't seem to stop. He is also opening and closing his fingers. I feel so badly for...
  8. jannie

    now adding Lexapro??

    difficult child 1 has been doing ok, but he is still getting frustrated on a regular basis. He generally holds it together in school, but the second he walks in the door he's frustrated...At school he's doing ok, but is still stuggling with some reading issues...he has not yet qualified for an iep... He's...
  9. totoro

    I want to die....

    I was just getting them ready to go to the store and when I asked difficult child 1 to get dressed... she got a wierd look on her face and came over to me and said "I just want to die and go to heaven Mom" "I want to die, I don't want to be here anymore." I asked her what she was feeling in her head and she...
  10. J

    medications & Cholesterol

    Ok, I'm a little annoyed with the psychiatric office (even though I love this guy) for not calling me sooner with these results. He told me when they got the blood work he'd call if he had concerns, otherwise we'd talk at our next appointment (which was today). So, today he hands me the paper and...
  11. T

    Psychiatrist called! Finally in!

    Hi all, Yesterday we got a call from the psychiatist's office...He had a cancellation and could see us in the afternoon. We rounded up a babysitter for easy child (a dear friend left her gathering with relatives who had just arrived from out of town to babysit--good friend) and off we went. So, the...
  12. JJJ

    Voices in her head

    We had our first sibling visit in 10 months. It went very well. We played basketball and walked around the grounds of the Residential Treatment Center (RTC). Eeyore played basketball but then stayed behind when we went on our walk. The younger 3 seemed to have dealt with it as well as could be expected (Tigger had nightmares...
  13. givnmegryhr

    Important from local news station

    Last nite on the 11:00 news health segment they had a story on autism and how they have found Risperdal is helping . There was a family with a little boy who was severe and with Risperdal he is now communicating and making eye contact and not raging. This could help alot of families with...
  14. JKF

    The Trileptal is working!

    easy child/difficult child has been on Trileptal for 3 weeks now bc the psychiatrist suspects he has a mood disorder and not ADHD. Everyone around him can see a clear difference in his demeanor lately since he started this medication. He seems.....happy. And he isn't arguing back nearly as much as he was. The focus and...
  15. M

    difficult child 17 very destructive to house, etc

    What can be done (California) with difficult child 17 who breaks everything in house. Almost half the doors have huge holes in them, and last night another hole and hole in wall, and in a rage he broke some other things. I don't think police will do much but talk to him, been there done that.
  16. J

    Suspended from school for the rest of the year. Problems, Problems, more problems.

    difficult child didn't like that the teacher sent her to in-house for the day for being disrespectful, so she had showed everyone, a fraction of what I get at home. They couldn't believe it, 5 school administrators, social workers and teachers couldn't redirect her. She cursed and screamed and tapped her...
  17. M

    Risperidone (generic) Lamictal? Nadolol? difficult child is aggressive

    difficult child (13) extreme ODD, Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD)/add, has been taking Abilify & Tenex for a very long time. Before Abilify, it was Risperdal. They both work about the same for him. I'm thinking about going with the generic Risperidone soon. Does the generic work about the same? New psychiatrist is talking about adding...
  18. amazeofgrace

    difficult child II home

    difficult child II was released from in hospital today, despite the fact that he assaulted a nurse and an aide last night, and was put in confinement. Depsite the fact that the SW admitted his mood swings were "scarey". Despite the fact that the partial hsop appointment isnt until Monday. He is now home with me again...
  19. Alisonlg

    Tics? A Side Effect?

    Ugh. So, I came back last week and posted my family update. For the most part, my update on M was OK, but it's starting to go downhill rather quickly. Not only have the past few nights included hitting, kicking, biting, and restraining (which we haven't had to do in a LONG time- thinking it's...
  20. G

    Bloody Nose and lethargy?

    I realize no one can give medical advise..okay, just personal opinions please. B takes Depakote, Seroquel, Topamax, and we just changed his Risperdal M-tabs from PRN to 1x daily. For 3 days now, he has been very tight, almost spastic at times. Yesterday he stayed at his g-moms and she called...