11:30 p.m. and Tyler is AWOL - UPDATE - Found


Sorry I have had not had time to be on the computer lately. I think I will send some belated hugs. I just went through this the night before with difficult child 1. Must be something in our midwestern air. Glad he is back.



Active Member
OMG, Sue. I'm just catching up a bit ... and stumbled on this and thank you's arrest. You've been one busy warrior mom! :warrior:

Oh, how my heart goes out to you. The times when my difficult child ran away were so scary for me. Not knowing where they are just paralyzes you with fear.

I'm relieved he came back. Relieved he's okay ... except for having a mom who now wants to shake him until his teeth fall out! Raising difficult child's is definitely not for the weak at heart.

Hang in there, Mom.

Sending mega hugs,


call 911........call 911
JANET!! SURELY YOU JEST!!!! (insert little fakey valley girl laugh) fer sure fer sure.

My prayers - that if you, me and Sue ever meet? That our boys DO NOT!