30 Year Old BiPolar Daughter Going Downhill (again)

Shushannah Rodgers

Widow, 68, with son, 28, stealing my medication
Just wondering how you were able to post such a nice long piece? All it will allow me to do is short posts under 140 characters. How do I tell my story with such limitations? Just wondering...thanks!


New Member
Wow- this is a mirror to my life. I am dealing with all the same fears but my difficult child is only 18. I am so tired. She is bipolar and refuses medications and therapy. I know i need her out for my sanity as well as younger sister's. I can understand it is hard to detatch from any child, even a 30 year old child. But how to I get an 18 year old out of the house? How can I set her up for even a little success and not doom her to the streets if I kick her out? I find myself praying for death- either mine or hers.
Ugggghhhh- it looks like you have a good plan that you can live with your daughter. My fire walk is just about to start. I know something has to happen now if either of us has a chance at life.
My thoughts and prayer is with you to keep you strong.
Any advice is greatly appreciated.