
Active Member
I've been googling "emotional abuse" and the only thing that he does is the "I'm stupid" or "I can't do anything right" stuff which is a DIRECT result from the previous school telling him if he can't behave he's never going to accomplish anything in life. I was the one that brought this up in his ARD to make sure he's getting lots of positive reenforcment from other adults. I'm his mom, I tell him he's perfect all the time. He just doesn't believe me. He needs to hear it from others as well.


Active Member
Is the case closed?

Strange turn of events—the teacher (who thinks your son’s behavior is willful disobedience) is accusing you (who thinks he is not able to control his behavior to some extent) of being emotionally abusive?

How exactly did she, with her “experienced professional” expertise, come to that conclusion?

This is very strange.

Anyway, what are you doing with your son school-wise, at this point?

And they won't close the case until they talk the psy, and that won't be u til after 6pm tonight (cst). I've been impatiently waiting for my phone to ring all the while trying to figure out if I've actually done anything wrong in his entire life though I know I haven't :cry:


Well-Known Member
I have had to know CPSbecauze foster parents especially with kids of color get called out by people a lot for the dumbest reason. I was told by an actual worker that no child is removed for even real emotional abuse because it's too hard to define. I think you will be fine. They look for bruises, things they can see, old fractures and sexual abuse is probably the worst but nobody is accusing you of anything CPS thinks is serious.

Be calm. I believe the psychiatrist and just one home visit will end it. If CPS thought it was serious, they get right on it.

I have actually sat and hafcoffee with CPS workers who ended up being friendly and bashing the CPS call. Just be honest, friendly and open and don't argue. You will be fine.



Well-Known Member
I’m so sorry this is happening.

Let us know how your day goes and what the attorney says.

SWOT is right; usually nothing comes of these things.

I would be upset, too, though.

Of course your son is feeling bad about himself. He compares himself to the other kids who don’t have the difficulties that he has in maintaining control of his emotions.

I think things will get better once the neuro report comes back and you have some more clues as to what is going on with him.

In the meantime, I would be very leery of the teacher involved.



Active Member
I just meet with a caseworker now she wants to come to my house at 5 tonight. I have a horrible feeling about all of this.


Well-Known Member
I just meet with a caseworker now she wants to come to my house at 5 tonight. I have a horrible feeling about all of this.

I wouldn’t schedule a meeting until I got some advice and direction from the lawyer on how to proceed.

Know your rights.


Active Member
So far it's in the try to get it closed before it starts phase. The attorney basically said meet them, let them see I have nothing to hide and if they try to make it an issue call his cell. I'm beyond lost right now.


Well-Known Member
So far it's in the try to get it closed before it starts phase. The attorney basically said meet them, let them see I have nothing to hide and if they try to make it an issue call his cell. I'm beyond lost right now.

I don’t know what the teacher said, but they are probably taking her word as a professional more seriously than an anonymous call or a nosy neighbor.

You have nothing to hide, so ultimately, nothing to worry about, I believe.

Let us know how it goes.

I will be sending good thoughts.



Active Member
That I yell at him and call him names. Like literally that's what the report said. If I had know that's all it was I would of flipped them off said get a warrant yesterday. Unfourtunatly I can't turn back the clock at this point.


Well-Known Member
I had a friend who was reported by a customer in a restaurant that they were both eating at.

The woman claimed my friend was yelling at her son and calling him names (for the record, I never saw or heard anything like that in all the years I knew her).

The case worker talked to them outside their house, and closed the case. Nothing ever came of it.

In your case, I don’t know that I would keep my son in that school. You may have a target on your back, now. The teachers will talk amongst themselves.


Well-Known Member
Good idea not sending him back.

Lots of teachers report kids, especially difficult ones and try to blame the parents. Usually a big fail.

Even if you did yell at him and call him names, which you don't, nothing will happen. That is one of those things they get so many calls about and don't take seriously.

One lady had CPS called on her because a teacher reported that her daughter is not clean. Her daughter had hygiene issues and the family was poor so she had to wear thrift shop clothes.

The case was closed fast and the mother put her daughter in a different school.

Most of the time a lawyer isn't needed. They end quickly. But I think the teacher is horrid.


Well-Known Member
Teachers are mandatory reporters which means they can be prosecuted for not reporting. Some teachers get a little nervous because of this and report with little cause. I am sure that when cps comes it will be dismissed. Another school is not a bad idea teachers do talk.

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