The families I'm thinking of are somewhere in the middle. Forgive me Honey, for using you as an example, but Jabber and his family are a great one.
I have no doubt that Jabber caused little to no difficulties to his parents. Not that they never had any with the other kids...but he was always a "good" kid. I'm sure they worried about him...after all, he was in the Marines, that is worrying to a parent, what could happen, but he worked and he was respectful. To this day at 50 years old, he does not swear or smoke in their presence. I think he'd literally have to be threatened with great bodily harm to shout at them. They don't speak all that often. We don't see each other more than a few times a year, but if he were to get a call that one of his parents was injured or in the hospital, he'd tell his work, "I'm going" even if it cost him his job, to be there! When we began having issues with our son he called and told them he needed them; they dropped everything and came to help us deal. When Jabber had minor out-patient surgery, they came - over an hour drive, just to be there. We go to their house and his mom offers food and Jabber rummages thru the fridge, etc., and we sit and talk and fill each other in on what's going on in our lives.
RNO- since I only have one child, that sounds like heaven. I hope your Difficult Child gets that chance too.
That is the life I envisioned for myself and my grown son.