Scent of Cedar *
Well-Known Member
Thank you, Recovering. :O)
Basically, I rattle on about everything being okay. At the end? I ask about your own daughter, and about how you are.
The abuser will have his hearing tomorrow.
difficult child daughter continues to progress well. GRG granddaughter started school in the city where she now lives with difficult child daughter. They continue at the shelter. In addition to other specialists, difficult child continues to see the doctor (GP) who prescribed the Cymbalta that pushed her over the edge to begin with. This appears to be a good thing for both of them ~ difficult child because she has a primary care physician who has followed her case over time, and the physician himself because he is learning what can happen when a medication is prescribed in good faith to someone already on shaky ground.
husband and I are almost back to steady normal, but better than normal, I think. The changes I worked so hard for seem to be permanent things. I feel differently about myself. For a little while there, I wondered whether I was going to be raw and angry the rest of my life. The answer to that one is "no". I think I may have been angry because I was actually seeing what was happening, rather than slipping into an automatic kind of denial. (Mostly, I am talking about family of origin issues, here.) I don't know what to do about these things I see, now. It is interesting to me that I feel no need to fix anything or to bring it back into balance. It just is what it is. Just recently, I am noticing a lessening of judgment where family of origin issues are concerned. I am still hooked into anger it jealousy? Something judgmental that I become aware of and then, try to acknowledge the fairness of, and then...I think I am letting go of the right of judgment for.
They are who they are, too. They have their own destinies, their own paths to follow. If my presence within that circle can only be a role...I don't know anything more about that, only that this is what I do know, what I do think I see. I am more than a role. So are they. I wish it were different. It is what it is seems to be an appropriate summary. I don't know where I am going with that, or even whether there is anywhere to go. difficult child daughter applauds these changes. She is the only person I have confronted who does. My relationship to difficult child granddaughter is also back on a firm footing.
I like that you asked, Recovering.
Here is a recent dream: I am in a hospital. I am a visitor. I think I am myself, but a more masculine version. (Remember Jung, here.) I see many things, there. The sun is out, the quality of the light beautifully bright, the hospital very clean.
Smells good, there.
Bread baking somewhere?
I decide to leave the hospital. As I am leaving, I see someone ~ a nanny-nurse kind of person, big and strong and reassuring, and dressed the way all the nanny-nurses dress in the movies. White uniform, cape and etc. She is wheeling a beautiful, costly perambulator. (Why not just a baby buggy? I don't know. "Perambulator" is the only word that fits in describing this dream.)
The perambulator is like, really huge. So is the nurse, now that I think about it.
There is no sense of threat, though the nurse is extremely competent, and the babies are in her charge. They are preparing to leave the hospital. They may have been visiting someone there, too.
I peek into the perambulator as I am passing, the way people do, and see two of the most incredible babies. Between three and six months old, their eyes are a deep, sapphire blue on blue. No whites. They are happy, so happy. They make me happy. They look up, and smile at me, those toothless baby smiles all innocent and full of spit.
And that's the dream. One of the babies is bigger, or is nearer to me. Neither baby attempts to rise out of the perambulator. They are happy, beautiful babies in the care of a competent nurse.
It is such a cool dream that it is making me happy to remember it, even now.
I don't know whether the babies are aspects of myself, or aspects of my real life children. We were talking about dreams here once, and someone said all aspects of a dream are ourselves.
There is no speech, in the dream. There is no sense of recognition or purpose, other than happiness at seeing the babies' eyes.
Well...the eyes are open, right?
The nurse is leaving the hospital, too. She doesn't pause for me to see the babies. It is just one of those pleasant things that happen sometimes, when you see someone else's babies in passing.
What is happening in your life now, Recovering? I wonder how your daughter is, whether she continues in relationship to the good man. During the times either of our children have been in healthy relationships, there were times when they felt safe enough to be angry with us over things they felt we had not handled well. It was always interesting to finally meet the healthy other person, and to see the surprise in their faces upon meeting us. I felt that was a good thing, for the kids to have an ally, to have someone loyal to them, someone committed to their strength and success. Over time, everything came back into balance, as the relationship between the kids and ourselves developed into one of equals, rather than dependencies and accusation and guilt and all those bad things.
Maybe this is happening now, with your daughter?
If it is, I think that is a healthy thing. It feels so wrong, so stupidly hurtful, to be the parent during this time Recovering, but I think it is part of what the kids needs to go through to find out for themselves what the situation was during the time they were sliding down that rabbit hole.
They have their own series of denials to break through. It is really hard for them to face what they've done to themselves, and to us and their so-judgmental extended families.
Sadness, all around. If this is happening, Recovering, hold strong. She will take her hatred for herself out on you before she can face it for herself. Somehow, the kids always think we are magically stronger than anyone really could be. They never think we can be hurt, or that there are times of decision and choice that we barely survive, too. You will have to be your own best mother through this time, if that is what is happening. (Know what? That is what I always tell my daughter ~ and sometimes, what I tell myself.)
We need to be our own best mothers, Recovering.
difficult child son went back to drugs, and lost the good, strong woman. I was just thinking about her, yesterday. When it happened that she left him, she required of him that he come to us with her, and tell us the truth about his drug use.
He did.
That did not stop it, and she left him. Those were the years I was last on this site, the time I post about, about learning not to enable and then, husband picking it up and bringing difficult child son broccoli. (Well, and everything else he needed to survive. He is so angry about that stupid broccoli to this day!)
The outcome was not good, though difficult child son did eventually stop using.
We have been through that so many times with difficult child daughter. She and I even talk about it, about being strong enough and independent enough to be able to tell us off being a part of healing, and a good place for her to be.
Would you like to post about what is happening with your daughter, Recovering? I would like to know, if you are willing to share. The last thing I read indicated that you are not hearing from her. I am sorry, Recovering. Whatever it is that is happening with our troubled children, it is so hard to be their mothers.
So impossibly hard.
Basically, I rattle on about everything being okay. At the end? I ask about your own daughter, and about how you are.
The abuser will have his hearing tomorrow.
difficult child daughter continues to progress well. GRG granddaughter started school in the city where she now lives with difficult child daughter. They continue at the shelter. In addition to other specialists, difficult child continues to see the doctor (GP) who prescribed the Cymbalta that pushed her over the edge to begin with. This appears to be a good thing for both of them ~ difficult child because she has a primary care physician who has followed her case over time, and the physician himself because he is learning what can happen when a medication is prescribed in good faith to someone already on shaky ground.
husband and I are almost back to steady normal, but better than normal, I think. The changes I worked so hard for seem to be permanent things. I feel differently about myself. For a little while there, I wondered whether I was going to be raw and angry the rest of my life. The answer to that one is "no". I think I may have been angry because I was actually seeing what was happening, rather than slipping into an automatic kind of denial. (Mostly, I am talking about family of origin issues, here.) I don't know what to do about these things I see, now. It is interesting to me that I feel no need to fix anything or to bring it back into balance. It just is what it is. Just recently, I am noticing a lessening of judgment where family of origin issues are concerned. I am still hooked into anger it jealousy? Something judgmental that I become aware of and then, try to acknowledge the fairness of, and then...I think I am letting go of the right of judgment for.
They are who they are, too. They have their own destinies, their own paths to follow. If my presence within that circle can only be a role...I don't know anything more about that, only that this is what I do know, what I do think I see. I am more than a role. So are they. I wish it were different. It is what it is seems to be an appropriate summary. I don't know where I am going with that, or even whether there is anywhere to go. difficult child daughter applauds these changes. She is the only person I have confronted who does. My relationship to difficult child granddaughter is also back on a firm footing.
I like that you asked, Recovering.
Here is a recent dream: I am in a hospital. I am a visitor. I think I am myself, but a more masculine version. (Remember Jung, here.) I see many things, there. The sun is out, the quality of the light beautifully bright, the hospital very clean.
Smells good, there.
Bread baking somewhere?
I decide to leave the hospital. As I am leaving, I see someone ~ a nanny-nurse kind of person, big and strong and reassuring, and dressed the way all the nanny-nurses dress in the movies. White uniform, cape and etc. She is wheeling a beautiful, costly perambulator. (Why not just a baby buggy? I don't know. "Perambulator" is the only word that fits in describing this dream.)
The perambulator is like, really huge. So is the nurse, now that I think about it.
There is no sense of threat, though the nurse is extremely competent, and the babies are in her charge. They are preparing to leave the hospital. They may have been visiting someone there, too.
I peek into the perambulator as I am passing, the way people do, and see two of the most incredible babies. Between three and six months old, their eyes are a deep, sapphire blue on blue. No whites. They are happy, so happy. They make me happy. They look up, and smile at me, those toothless baby smiles all innocent and full of spit.
And that's the dream. One of the babies is bigger, or is nearer to me. Neither baby attempts to rise out of the perambulator. They are happy, beautiful babies in the care of a competent nurse.
It is such a cool dream that it is making me happy to remember it, even now.
I don't know whether the babies are aspects of myself, or aspects of my real life children. We were talking about dreams here once, and someone said all aspects of a dream are ourselves.
There is no speech, in the dream. There is no sense of recognition or purpose, other than happiness at seeing the babies' eyes.
Well...the eyes are open, right?
The nurse is leaving the hospital, too. She doesn't pause for me to see the babies. It is just one of those pleasant things that happen sometimes, when you see someone else's babies in passing.
What is happening in your life now, Recovering? I wonder how your daughter is, whether she continues in relationship to the good man. During the times either of our children have been in healthy relationships, there were times when they felt safe enough to be angry with us over things they felt we had not handled well. It was always interesting to finally meet the healthy other person, and to see the surprise in their faces upon meeting us. I felt that was a good thing, for the kids to have an ally, to have someone loyal to them, someone committed to their strength and success. Over time, everything came back into balance, as the relationship between the kids and ourselves developed into one of equals, rather than dependencies and accusation and guilt and all those bad things.
Maybe this is happening now, with your daughter?
If it is, I think that is a healthy thing. It feels so wrong, so stupidly hurtful, to be the parent during this time Recovering, but I think it is part of what the kids needs to go through to find out for themselves what the situation was during the time they were sliding down that rabbit hole.
They have their own series of denials to break through. It is really hard for them to face what they've done to themselves, and to us and their so-judgmental extended families.
Sadness, all around. If this is happening, Recovering, hold strong. She will take her hatred for herself out on you before she can face it for herself. Somehow, the kids always think we are magically stronger than anyone really could be. They never think we can be hurt, or that there are times of decision and choice that we barely survive, too. You will have to be your own best mother through this time, if that is what is happening. (Know what? That is what I always tell my daughter ~ and sometimes, what I tell myself.)
We need to be our own best mothers, Recovering.
difficult child son went back to drugs, and lost the good, strong woman. I was just thinking about her, yesterday. When it happened that she left him, she required of him that he come to us with her, and tell us the truth about his drug use.
He did.
That did not stop it, and she left him. Those were the years I was last on this site, the time I post about, about learning not to enable and then, husband picking it up and bringing difficult child son broccoli. (Well, and everything else he needed to survive. He is so angry about that stupid broccoli to this day!)
The outcome was not good, though difficult child son did eventually stop using.
We have been through that so many times with difficult child daughter. She and I even talk about it, about being strong enough and independent enough to be able to tell us off being a part of healing, and a good place for her to be.
Would you like to post about what is happening with your daughter, Recovering? I would like to know, if you are willing to share. The last thing I read indicated that you are not hearing from her. I am sorry, Recovering. Whatever it is that is happening with our troubled children, it is so hard to be their mothers.
So impossibly hard.