Just about a month ago, I filed another one of half a dozen missing person's reports with the Phoenix police. I didn't hear anything until last Friday afternoon. I was hoping that, as previously happened, any police officer who crossed paths with Josh would call me right away and put his phone on speaker and let me try once again to persuade Josh to get help or let us come to Phoenix and meet with us. Unfortunately, how that is handled is up to each individual police officer. In this case, the police officer did not call me but just called the officer in charge of taking the reports to report his interaction with Josh, and that officer then called me. He told me that the acting officer asked Josh if he would like to call/contact me, but Josh said he didn't want to talk to anyone. The officer asked if he wanted to get help, and as usual, Josh said no, he did not.
So, that was really disappointing, not to have had that chance to talk to him again. I had been thinking a lot about what I would say to Josh or ask him should I be able to speak to him again, and I didn't get the chance to do that.
I don't know how to think about this. I mean, it's a given that I will always love and pray for Josh. I pray for him every day, multiple times a day as God brings him to mind. But I have to wonder, does God want me to continue this cycle of "file a report/wait/be disappointed" again and again, or do I just give it up? Josh hangs out in or near a couple of the main libraries in Phoenix. Any time he wanted to get help or to contact us to come, he could do that. Yet, he doesn't.
Just before I heard from the officer on Friday, I had done another posting on FB, with a photo of Josh, asking people to keep a lookout for Josh and asking if they might consider reaching out to him with food, warm clothing, an encouraging word or encouragement to get help, etc. I got a lot of responses from people, some just reacting with empathy; other's promising to keep their eyes open for him. But given Josh's response on Friday, it seems foolish now to have asked people to do that. If he won't respond to my request to contact us, why would he respond to anyone else? I don't think I'll do it again.
I do have moments when I just want to give up entirely and let him go.