Up early, slept well, guess I was really exhausted yesterday.
It's very quiet except for the birds chirping. I have a nest right outside my bedroom window.
While it is quiet, I am going to get things done, laundry, bedroom cleaned, showered etc.
The sun hasn't come up yet so I have plenty of time before son and his girlfriend wake up.
I feel I need to stay away from any discussion with son today. I made my decision and it is final. I will not get in a confrontation with them. I will get the paperwork for eviction, or what ever it's called in my situation, prepared and given to them this week. That is all I have to communicate to them.
If, by chance, any confrontation is started by them, I will let them know they can go quietly or I can get the police involved, which I hope to avoid.
I'm feeling good this morning. A sense of relief and empowerment.
I am not scared, I am in control.
God thank you for answered prayers, for sending me Angels to console and guide me and giving me strength. God, you never left me. You have been here all along holding my hand and giving me strength. You have given me Your blessings to see this through. Now I pray for everyone here to receive the blessings and strength you are offering to them.
God Bless you all! (Amen)
Peace and Love