Thank you everyone for your support. This waiting is exhausting. Thursday can't get here soon enough so that the CT Scan will at least be done. The doctor expects to have the result on Friday.
Star, thank you for the encouragement, I completely understand where you have gone through something similar for yourself that it must have been like hearing it again.
We did have treatment team this morning, so I was able to talk to the psychiatrist, of course he doesn't know anything, he just kept repeating that we just have to wait for the scan.
We are at the end of our time with mental health coverage too. psychiatrist was going to be calling the doctor at the state facility again today and asking if there is a bed available - there was 2 weeks ago, but this week who knows. The nurse who handles all the insurance and placements and stuff is supposed to find out the final count today - I am supposed to hear on that tomorrow. The problem is he is not ready to go home yet, psychiatrist feels (and I do too) that if he goes home now that all of the progress they have made will be lost if he is home for any length of time before residential.
My son's hallucinations are getting worse, the figure he is seeing is different and they are now taking on a 3D aspect and he is even claiming that this "figure" that he is now seeing has scratched him, this figure also makes noise.
Of course everything could change depending on what the scan shows. I will keep everyone updated.