Well-Known Member
I know that in the past I have "enabled". I was the softy. I was the one who said, "Oh, let him go it's fine. Let him keep the car. The boy needs his phone. A teenager needs pocket money." I should have been tougher. I know that.
Have to done too much for him? Maybe. My mind keeps going back to him as a toddler. By about age two, he had the BEST table manners! Everyone who ate with him commented on that. I suspect the reason was because I fed him 90% of the time until he was really too old to be fed. But back then I was single and it was so much easier to feed him and keep him clean than it was to let him do it himself and then have to bathe him afterwards. So yeah...I was helping myself...but in the end he learned and learned to do it properly and neatly (although I never could get him to hold his fork right to this day).
But you know, I never wanted to do everything for him forever. Sure, there were times it was just easier to do it myself. Why make him load the dishwasher when I could do it twice as fast and correctly? (Yes...there is a proper way to load a dishwasher!) Why make him do his own laundry when it was just as easy to throw it in with ours? But I wanted him to LEARN to do it himself! I showed him how to use the washer. I showed him how to cook (at least some things) and offered to teach him over and over how to cook things he likes to eat. I don't want him to be 30 and unable to unplug a toilet or fill out a 1040 EZ, so if he asked I'd show him...ONCE. I don't mind teaching as long as he learns.
Part of my problem is he really is so young! Yes, I know, 18 year olds join the military and die for their country...but they are babies! I may be 51 now, but I remember being 19 and I was a KID. There is no way I could imagine still doing things for him at 37...or 27...or even 21. But now? He's still a teenager. In my mind, still a kid. Getting past that is definitely part of my struggle.
Have to done too much for him? Maybe. My mind keeps going back to him as a toddler. By about age two, he had the BEST table manners! Everyone who ate with him commented on that. I suspect the reason was because I fed him 90% of the time until he was really too old to be fed. But back then I was single and it was so much easier to feed him and keep him clean than it was to let him do it himself and then have to bathe him afterwards. So yeah...I was helping myself...but in the end he learned and learned to do it properly and neatly (although I never could get him to hold his fork right to this day).
But you know, I never wanted to do everything for him forever. Sure, there were times it was just easier to do it myself. Why make him load the dishwasher when I could do it twice as fast and correctly? (Yes...there is a proper way to load a dishwasher!) Why make him do his own laundry when it was just as easy to throw it in with ours? But I wanted him to LEARN to do it himself! I showed him how to use the washer. I showed him how to cook (at least some things) and offered to teach him over and over how to cook things he likes to eat. I don't want him to be 30 and unable to unplug a toilet or fill out a 1040 EZ, so if he asked I'd show him...ONCE. I don't mind teaching as long as he learns.
Part of my problem is he really is so young! Yes, I know, 18 year olds join the military and die for their country...but they are babies! I may be 51 now, but I remember being 19 and I was a KID. There is no way I could imagine still doing things for him at 37...or 27...or even 21. But now? He's still a teenager. In my mind, still a kid. Getting past that is definitely part of my struggle.