I am circling the wagons from here in OK, preparing to lob the Mouse-missiles (realx, Starbie, they are really shrews - vicious little rodent like creatures that eat their weight in other animals daily. - but somehow Shrews Missiles? Well, I thought Mousiles sounded better. I forgot you are the mouse-o-phile here. My cats only hunt mice INSIDE the house - outside the mice are too boring. My boys go after the tough stuff - they like them shrews.
So we can lob the Shrews missiles at them Agency Idjits if they are in need of wisin' up. As I said, my boys Sammy and Tommy have been stockpiling for just this sort of occasion.(Sammy and Tommy live with Wiz and the G's. My enighborhood is not safe enough to let Gracie and the Capn out in. Too many big BIG dogs roaming free. But Six Dinner Sensory Integration Disorder (SID) will bring up the rear if we need him.
I really am pulling for Dude! I hope the agency has enough smarts to not shoot the boy in the foot. I've got prayers in all over town for you all!