I stopped taking difficult child about 18 months ago because he just kept
regurgitating the same issues over and over again and the various
therapist kept acting like it was the most important thing they
ever heard. Finally I said to the new school therapist "I really
do appreciate your caring and concern BUT believe me difficult child has
already discovered that his past traumas draw attention. It is
my opinion that it is time for him to ask help in moving forward
and not rehashing the past." difficult child was present and kinda smiled
as I said that. I turned to him and said "Son, you and X can
meet as many times a week as he chooses but you know and I know
there is NO value in rehashing your childhood with your Mom and
her sorry boyfriend...NONE."
this sure sounds familiar! Emily kept regurgitating the same issues too--her dad's death, my dating and remarrying after his death. Yes, I know these were big issues with her but the same thing would happen--therapist would focus in on those things and that's what they would work on. Never mind that she had issues before her dad ever got sick--none of the therapists ever seemed to place much weight on that!
I, too, told her she needed to move on from these issues but she never did.