You both are so right I cant do this anymore I just cant. Im just crying a lot, Im so tired I barely sleep , attempted yellow egg( my dads awesome at it) and it didnt turn out again, Im tired- did it quick and some things I just cant make no matter how simple they are for others. My son and I went to gpas to feed him and fix pills, drinks, check in on him, make the bed, turn of the heat on one side of the house...and within 25 minutes this is what I got: NON STOP..And I gotta go fix lunch Im late but Im shaking so bad I just cant go handle him at the moment...
"Where have you been , whats wrong"( didnt spend the night and told him before he went to bed last night I wasnt and I got blasted for that)
"The heat you left on full blast again, money trying to save and your just spending" Um HIS bedroom other side of house he has to have it on, its still cold...when it was off before" what are you trying to do freeze me out, I couldn't sleep blah blah"
"Didnt/ dont you know how to do x, y, z" for most of the time
"Cooking is easy, why dont you understand to follow a recipe, open a book, dont feed me this -just I wont eat" Then he tells the neighbors I dont feed him or have time to. Offered soups/tv dinners and thats awful he says.
"Why you keep apologizing when Im just telling you..."
"I want a broom all these months no one gets me a broom Im trying to clean my home, my carpets, tile, cabinets" no one helps me" I interrupted him and told him , we do help even a full thick carpet that you have cant handle a broom. And I only use a vacuum on carpet I said" he yells at me saying he will do it, " hes blind, barely can walk and WILL fall "when he does this and I refuse it to be my fault so I tell him I dont know where it is. I do know where it is but darn it Im not going to be responsible for him getting hurt when hes acting like a fool". So even when I told him nicely he will fall I get yelled at.
"Why you sleeping you slept for 4 damn hours" this morning and I was nice enough not to call you and your complaining.." Um, first of all, I dozed off about 10 maybe 20 min max this morning.. I was planning sleeping a while yes, but between the phone, dogs, daughter is home, my stress, my dad is going into heart surgery today -well new defiblater along with a groin surgery but we arent telling gpa or anyone but my sis and my friend who is mad at me cuz she is helping with my son. My dad has had a stroke on the table, has trouble coming out of surgeries... so ya, IM stressed!!
---I just do everything wrong, Im shaking, tooth pain from cavity, dizzy, pulse rate is up, and Im just tired! Yes I am trying to change my situation, I have been calling my Aunt almost daily lately crying and thats when she called the old caretaker back and told my grandpa something has to be done. In fact, called her again today, shes not home. But things are still rocky there between her and me.HUD ,even emergency HUD can take up to two years!! One year est, but, yes, Im looking into it. Apartments with my screaming violent son? Ahh no, but cheap ones cost a little too much too. Agin 6 months working even for the bad areas of town. But again, keeping options open. Still taking down Christmas stuff!!!
****Thank you I know Midwest Im their scapegoat and being used.. I agree with everything you said.. but as my Aunt /sis says, they arent doing that Im just here and they said to work... I know Im old, Its like I sit here remembering when I was 5, 6,7,8, and all I thought about is how my life was good( didnt realize my grandpa/others were the way he was til I was a teen and yes, he treated my aunt,dad and uncle the same way as me..esp my dad) My life was set, of course my ex step mom was mean.. I been in bad relationships/bad friendships. Both my grandmothers have passed years ago, and my mom bless my mom , even with her Schizophrenia she was the most amazing women you could meet. She loved my sister and I so much. One day when she wasnt having a delusion, she looked at me and said" I know Im sick but I love you and your sister" I cried so hard like I am now and hugged her told her we love her and know that, then she just went back into her other world. She passed away in Jan 2010. Yes, I get religion held over me, but here is why I dont fully believe in the catholic religion. I do not feel those who have gender or same sex issues should be judged...we were told back in the day marriage was not an option, even if there was abuse/cheating and a remarriage after divorce was approved through the church and only if the person converted! Ok, they have change the last one but still. Then Of course if we so not go to church we go to hell, devils chasing us. In my life... its complicated but I do "pray " and we believe in God. Oh thats the other thing.. I believe in all healthy religions, that there is a God their God, or higher being even if its not the "same god" .
****Scent thank you and yes, like you said "In my case, I think they already did not like me. They only liked that there was always someone who could understand their crappiness into decency."- Yup I know they hate me, as does most of my neighbors... Im not that much different then the neighbors kids, ok, weigh wise yes, and no job but the job issues, in my defense was in school, threatened by gpa hed kick me out if I didnt finish college first" then when I started looking for a job I was prego w son just finishing school, having complications, then my sons issues started from day one" he went to school , and my health was down along with, when I did look off and on no one hired me. All this time cared for gpa but not this much.
I know you all care and you all mean a lot to me,I care about you all and iM sorry I keep complaining all the time, I try to help others. I read your other posts what you all are going through but I dont know if Im allowed to respond to you in substance abuse/PE cuz I dont have kids that age yet.. but I do read them and Im sorry and you all are on my mind a lot. I really dont know who I would have to talk to if I didnt have you all, Im glad I came back and restarted my account. You all do understand and I know you care and are tyring to help me. I want a different life too