Wow, this is a lot to think about what you both/all said. I have been trying to slowly read it all

Thank you all for sharing and as much is it hurts me that you all went through, Im proud of you sharing your lives with me/others! And the fact that we all have been through so much ( varied at some things) is both comforting and sad.
I learned it goes. Although my Aunt sorta supports me as she says but then doesnt.. and she has helped with her dad when she USED to come often, I feel, this is between her and my grandpa that she refuses to stay more then two days and no nights,all she will do is a short visit at his home all because he has no cable, Im staying out of it. ( sorry run on sentence but if I was speaking its how I woulda said it- I never type proper-sorry). As much as I needed a full 48hrs of sleep, I feel that after she leaves I will hear about his cable bill non stop. So this will be worse for me have cable? Unless gpa wants it. I wanted to be greedy for two days and say get it! But I know I will get my full two days anyway. Why? Because, I told her Im not staying there either OR coming in the mornings that I will be gone for two days!!! Im getting a motel!!! And yes, my little boogers will be with me, just the three of us!! So, sleep, maybe not, but least it will be me and my kiddos!
The old caretaker just called,( as I mentioned my Aunt did call her and asked her back from my gpa telling her to go ) we talked a bit and she understands why I cant handle ALL the people with issues, now she has even more kids and adults then me( and us again) but as we agree, only one has a mental health issues and he is still overall fine to handle.( on her side) So shes back 3 times a week- grandpa doesnt like it but thats OK, Im job hunting this week no matter!
My dad is still in the hospital, hopefully be out soon, but only when well enough.
Son well, yikes! He had a rough week with violence last week. Finally almost 98% NO violence but 100% nasty threatening mouth for the last 4 days. Well last night he threw a small table down and this morning was a bear to get going for school. Of course he hasnt stopped picking on his sister

Im realizing how little..I mean little things that don't bother most, sometimes bothers him and sometimes doesn't. Its really strange. Somethings he is so bright and even ahead in age, somethings he is so far behind on in age.
Daughter is being stubborn on her school work, still wanting the computer instead, says she doesnt need/want help yet wont do her work. Well new rule is she has to do her work in the dining room, not her room so I make sure its done( as well as almost same time) I tried telling her she needs to speed it up as shes already lost a year...And she could even grad early once she catches up. Now we are adding the other 4 courses this week, ha, this will be interesting. We shall see.
I really wish I could open my own business if I cant find work soon, but again, I need experience and something that taxes can be taken out of and social security works with. Also, most jobs- Id need more schooling! No news on Medicaid for me, I applied but the interviewer said nothing. So, guess not.
Well, so much to say but Ill stop for now, more cleaning, gotta make a grocery list, bathe the dogs, and attempt to make a nice glass of iced tea. Funny how tea and soda along with food seems better from other people!
Hugs everyone-Ill try to catch up with everyone's posts and see if I can lend some support