Me, too? (asked in a whiny voice.)
Cedar, do you think I am seeing through my own eyes, too? (I have remembered my dignity and power, thus am asking in my grown-up voice.) I do not yet see it.
You are, Copa. Everything is changing. You are seeing from a different perspective. Burdened now with the horror of what is happening between yourself and your son, you are less keenly attuned to the pain attending thoughts of your mother or sister
or of your changing perspective regarding either one of them. I see your changing perspective most clearly in three things, Copa:
1) The nature of your posts to the others of us is changing. The strength in you sings through them, now.
2) The place you see yourself from when you post about your mom's time of screaming. You see now that it could easily be true that you
chose, with strength and compassion, to listen
for her sake. Always before, you believed you had somehow let her down and that she was angry because it was you, and not someone else, who was saving her. To hear her in her wordless rage took real courage, Copa, and to be present to it for her sake was so free and generous a gift. But you never saw it that way, Copa. And now, you are beginning to consider that this could be true, this way that we see what you did. That is huge, Copa. Each time I began to allow my perspective on some abusive experience to change, it took time and time and time. Each revisiting, I would be a little healthier, a little more open to seeing what really happened, a little more first willing and then, able, to pull from those incidents a different truth
about myself.
The truth I know is this, Copa: Whether I am loved back does not matter. What matters is that I love. Whether I was cheated or betrayed, whether I am seen as cheapened or broken or shamed over where my kids have been in their lives (and oh, where they are not)
none of that matters. It is what it is. Like me, my children are human beings and, like me, they deserve better than they have received from my FOO and maybe, even from me.
I am changing that.
Sympathy and empathy and pleas they have had. Now, I will be stronger. We will see what comes next.
I always do say this, Copa: Our recovering ourselves is not about bitterly condemning our abusers. It is not about the lust of vengeance ~ though for a time, I believed it was. Believing that, I chose to leave everything I knew about my upbringing, or about any betrayal in my life, unchanged.
But it has nothing to do with vengeance, Copa.
We are meant to be whole; meant to be strong and certain and free of this. Every betrayal, each lust of vengeance, holds a lesson for us.
Our job is to see the truth in what happened to each of us. Not the truth we were taught about ourselves, but the truth in what happened there so we can go from here whole and strong enough to meet whatever is coming next for our kids. It isn't that our families of origin aren't important. It's that what we feel for or about them pales in the face of what we feel, and of what we will teach by our examples, to our kids.
I want to be strong and whole and this time, it has nothing to do with my mother. I no longer see my sister as child in the shadows needing protection. I don't see my mom as a victim overwhelmed by her emotions anymore, either.
I see me, now. All those things that happened were done by the choice of my mother or by the choice of my sister to see and to respond based on something each had to know was a wrongness.
I am not so sure about my sister, here. It could be that she does not know. That is what D H says. That most likely, she does not even know that she hates and needs to see me usurped from a position I no longer hold in her life, if I ever did. (Pseudo mom.)
That is where SWOT is already in so many good, clean ways, and that is where you and I are both going, Copa.
Your son needs you to be all of those things, Copa. My kids need that from me
or these terrible things would not be happening to all of us.
Somehow, each has been given the other to sustain her as she goes through it.
Imagine that, Copa.
Having grown up as each of us has, each then went on, not only to create rich, full lives, but to choose to cherish and protect our freaking abusers. That is how we lived our lives, each to the degree she was able, interacting with her mother and her sibs as best she knew and believing the best she knew was a true and possible thing.
It wasn't a pose, Copa.
We believe it because we know loving could be just as valid a reality for our FOO as the one they chose.
It can be just as valid a reality for our sons. If anything happens to D H, I will need to stand right up.
If anything happens to M, so will you.
Each of us was thrown back, went crashing back through all the layers of her healing into the hellish remembrances of her abuse, of hatred, of ostracization and being picked on (see the child come through for me, too? :O) at the core of her, over the time of her child's (or in my case, her children's) repeated descents.
And then, we decided to heal. Getting through this is going to take some kind of inner quality we don't have yet and cannot name.
But we will need it and so, we are doing what we can.
Copa? I forgot the third thing.
Duh. The third thing. Your changing perspective regarding your relationship to M.
Two sides of the same coin, Copa.
And you are the coin.