I have had a mini crisis these past couple of days. I mentioned that I bought a small commercial office property, in the small city where I live. It is actually a house that was converted. It is quite lovely but needs repair. A Spanish Revival Bungalow that has lost its tile roof (and gained an asphalt one...lest you be concerned that it's roof is flying around somewhere, potentially dangerous). I would have loved the tile roof.
The idea was to buy a property to use for my own work.
D H is not a predator, either. I am beginning to think "nice" equals predator.
I am beginning to think that, but I have always known it.
You can spot them a mile away.
So, there is a tenant now. A religious ministry. I was forced to continue their tenancy because I had inherited a contract. I would have had to honor their tenancy for 2.5 years more.
Except they did not renew their option to extend tenancy in a timely manner. They needed to have done so by June 15th. They did not, invalidating their contract completely.
I have a property manager. We discussed options.
They have been abusive tenants. Imperious. Entitled. Obstructive. Superior. Paying below market rent. They use their religious garb to strike a morally superior tone, and to justify their acts which without their cloak, would actually be seen as quite ugly. We were patient...we backed down...to avoid dispute.
I had no obligation beyond giving 60 day notice.They had nullified the contract. There was no material interest that justified dealing with them anymore at all.
But because we were talking about going to the far away BIG CITY soon, it made some sense to offer them those 9 months we would be gone, at the same terms they had (ridiculously low rent--like 50 percent under market). We did make the offer. We even indicated that we would likely be open to extending their tenancy even longer. But did not want to be compelled to do so. (I made the offer even though I had extreme concern about the nature of the behavior that I had already seen.)
The rational to offer 9 months was so that we did not have to deal with remodeling the property in two months, and thereby forfeit the chance to travel now. I never ever entertained the idea of negotiating a long, long contract. I had purchased the house for my own use. They knew that.
They rejected the offer out of hand. They became enraged because they had lost the power position, and became overtly adversarial, threatening, and accusing. Personally accusing.
How dare you offer only 9 months? We will never accept it. Never. We will leave if you do not give us what we want, what we deserve. Even though they knew that I had bought the building for my own use.
We demand many, many years. With many, many options on top of that. Do you know who we are? What we do?
They involved their Christian Attorney. He was worse. They said they would leave unless I gave them a many year contract, with many many options to renew. At low rent. Tying me into a situation where I would be abused. (I was going nuts here.) And If I did not do it...we all knew what that made me. We all knew what kind of person would do such a morally reprehensible thing. To people like them.
What kind of a person would act in such a way towards these Christian People who walk with G-d? What kind of Property Management Company would allow their client and counsel their client to act this way?
Because they deserved it. Because of all the good they do. Because they do G-d's work. And if I refused there terms, it would show exactly who I was and where I stood with G-d. And they inferred that they would destroy me.
(And through all of this, I began to feel like a despised and hated Jew and all of the hatred cast against my people was now directed against me. Because I would not give this group more than 9 months. (And I was not obligated to have done that. 60 days was all I was obligated to do.)
The husband of the Director called M on his private cell.
How can your wife do this to us? To my wife. Step in and stop her. You must help us. This wonderful organization who does such wonderful work of the Lord...How can you put her out??? She has nowhere to go....Please, I am asking you a personal favor....please do not put my wife out. Please do not permit your wife to put her out into the street. Please.
And I became furious. Does not my worth as a person matter? Do they know or care about my good works? My charity? Do they know who I am? (A scared, cornered person, in reality, who just wants to climb into bed. The only place in life where she feels safe. And only sometimes, even there.)
What about me?
And I became completely regressed.
So M says, what if you are tied into the written offer of 9 months (I am not.)
I responded I will die rather than submit. I will forfeit the property. I will fight to my death.
And M responded: How is that a negotiating position? A business stance?
Each time Copa, you define your Mother's response to life, or to you, and not your own.
I woke up at like 3 AM. Terrified. Like a target. Like prey.
Feelings: I am out of control. I cannot protect myself. People are trying to hurt me. They can. They can destroy me. Come after me. Smear me. I am alone. I have nobody. Nobody to protect me.
My Mother was tough as nails. My self-concept is of being absolutely clueless, defenseless, alone.
Even though I won. They are fighting so desperately because they have lost. They have no ground to stand on. I do not feel like I won.
The property manager called me this morning. The voice of reason: They have no leg to stand on. You are way better off without them. They are lying. It would be dangerous to continue to engage with them at all.
I just stated what I needed and what worked. They chose something else. I am not responsible for that.
I changed my plans to deal with the new eventuality. That I will have an empty property in 50 days that will need attention.
I knew that when they decided to try to destroy me (this is where M goes nuts. He says, those are your feelings, they are not true. They tried to take advantage of you. They tried to dominate and to get the advantage. That is what business is like, often. Most people want to dominate if they have a chance to do so. That is not trying to lower you or kill you.)
But that is how it feels to me. That there are forces that try to destroy me. And that I am vulnerable to being destroyed. And whether or not this is cause or consequence of seeing life and the world through my mother's eyes, I do not know. I only know it is so.