Family estrangements are broken relationships between parents, grandparents, siblings and children. Although a family estrangement can begin at any stage of life, it often begins during late adolescence or early adulthood. Characteristics of estrangement include a lack of
empathy in one or more of the parties involved. This may result in heightened levels of
stress in all parties, although in the case of an abusive relationship the victim may feel a sense of relief once the source of stress has been removed.
Estrangements may involve a third party, such as a member of the extended family or the adult child's spouse. The third party provides emotional support to the party initiating the estrangement, providing the estranger with an alternate
social support system and thus enabling the deepening of the estrangement.
The rejected parties may try a number of strategies to repair the rift. In some cases, taking responsibility and making amends for harsh words or difficult circumstances may improve the relationship. However if the estrangement is the result of a behavioural pattern (such as a personality disorder) rather than a sequence of unfortunate life events it is doubtful that the relationship will survive in any meaningful form.
In some cases, the initiator of the estrangement stipulates boundaries in order to maintain limited contact (and therefore limit emotional damage) with the person they see as their abuser. In other cases, the initiator is unable or unwilling to consider any type of reconciliation.
Health implications
Those rejected by one or more family members in a family estrangement experience a decline in psychological and physical health.
[3][4] The
social rejection in family estrangement is the equivalent of
ostracism which undermines four fundamental human needs: the need to belong, the need for control in social situations, the need to maintain high levels of
self-esteem, and the need to have a sense of a meaningful existence.
[5] The rejected parties suffer adverse psychological consequences such as
loneliness, low self-esteem,
aggression, and
Family estrangement activates the
grief response. However, the rejected family may not achieve the final grief stage of acceptance, given that the social death of the relationship is potentially reversible. The prolonged suffering of the rejected party, together with a perceived or real
stigma of having been rejected by a family member, results in isolation and behavioral changes in the rejected party.
I become frightened by my strength. Actually, right word is appalled, at the reaction of the other to it.
Perhaps we both need to channel Donald Trump in these instances.
Let the person who started it, who had the gall to insult our integrity in the first place, deal with their reactions to our Monty Python Frenchman vs English king way of seeing things, now.
I begin to cut my self down to size to stay in the relationship in subordinate position, as I had with my mother. I call this disarming. I am beginning to think that strength is my secret shame. The prototype for this is your example, Cedar, of the ballerina with weights on.
Yes. But we are no longer defenseless children, no longer little girls. Truthfully, we have faced more terrifying things than anyone in the adult world can throw at us.
We bend the knee out of habit, out of mortal fear of the Witch Mother...a fantastic ogre who could only exist in the world of the defenseless Magical Child.
Simultaneous to giving up my own power, I give way to a fantasy of a rescuer. I compensate for this give away of my strength by a fantasy of rescue. I endow prince charming with the powers to save me. I am failed.
That is how scary is the world of the blasted lands. In our desperate need for safety is indication of our courage.
We are betrayed.
Oh, look. Here we still are.
We lived.
He is nothing to us if he is not what he promised; if he is not who he promised he was.
Everything about him can be and should be and must be, discounted.
We would be fools to believe in the promises (or the threats, or the rationalizations) of a Liar.
The truth I see or fear seeing is that the parent or parental figure is threatened by my being whole.
A whole person has no truck with the coward or the bully. They despise them.
Do you see the reflections, Copa?
The whole person despises the bully, the coward, the liar, because such people cannot be trusted.
Remember, back when we started, when one of the decisions I needed to make to keep going was whether it was me who was lying, own mother?
That was a hard barrier to breach.
I could not go further without breaching that barrier.
It was scary too. What would that mean, if the liar here turned out to be me? And what would that mean, if it turned out that my own mother....
All I could decide to do was keep going. So, I did. And it was very hard.
In the thousand reflections that once were a mirror
dark and savage truths appear
When my rescue fantasy is dashed, I feel it is due to something secretly shameful about me.
No. When the authority figure you paid to take you into the blasted lands betrayed you. There is a huge difference. And when he betrayed you Copa,
he knew exactly what he was doing; he knew Copa, what that would do to you and he did it, anyway.
What kind of person does something like that? And takes your freaking money the whole time
when he knows he is going to shatter the only protection you have and, once it's gone, betray you?
He is meaningless, Copa.
Meaningless little man with nice shoes.
That's it.
Try again.
Leave him behind and continue the course. Like a beautiful white-sailed ship leaving the storm behind, Copa. Navigating by the stars.
The characteristics of the angry mother are:
morally corrupt
tough as nails
refuses to address needs of child
chooses herself instead
unstable affect-- presents one way; acts another.
martyrdom and playing the victim
and indifference. The worst thing of all.
And you survived even that.
Brass trumpets; red silk banners.
The tenant and my Mother. Both demanded concesions based upon moral superiority they knew they did not deserve. A certain corruption, while asserting moral superiority.
Know what D H says about these kinds of happenings?
"F you. Get out of my face."
That is the difference, Copa. Healthy people say that. They do not question their rightness in destroying the aggressor.
That is why there are no aggressors, no swaggering bullies, no haters, slimy with cowardice, in their lives.
That is where we are going, too.
My mothers sense of her deserving, independent of her quality of mothering.
What you are actually describing here Copa is greed.
Like a pig at the trough.
And this is where the extreme betrayal of self begins. I begin to target myself with the same characteristics and attitudes of my mother. She becomes unnecessary because I have taken on the targeting of myself, with her behaviors, in absentia.
Yes. But I would say, at least for myself, not in absentia. The Witch Mother, the terrible destructive ogre mother lives in my head, now. I think I am going to love her out of it. She thinks that will be fine, and will see me once she finishes her dinner.
Roast Cedar's brain again, tonight.
One of her favorite dishes, the child grown and fattened, like Hansel when the Witch lures him in, the promise of all those wonderful candies affecting his judgment.
Which is why the Witch created the trap in the first place.
But you and I know the end of the story.
Into the oven with the Witch, the smoke of her burning darkening the skies.
Why do I do this? I need my mother. I love my mother. I will do anything to keep her. No matter what is the cost to my self.
Well, in that timeless realm of the Magical Child, part of you doesn't know any better than to do that. She doesn't know you've grown up. She doesn't know the thorns and briars and brambles protecting the Seeping Beauty are a self created thing; are something she created herself to keep the Child safe from the Witch Mother.
That may be why the imagery of the kiss, of Sleeping Beauty awakening, holds such fascination for you.
So, we must be deep into the thorns and brambles...then, and now.
I have abandoned myself.
I become willfully blind. I will myself to not understand what I see. I give up any protections.
Could it be Copa, that you are only sleeping?
A witch cast spell, a spell of great magic spun by....a Child.
You, Copa.
This is how you lived.
And when I do that there is a predictable result every time.frightened.confused.alone
Until now.
Until this thread and this site.
Little kids, all of us, holding hands in the dark.
But oh, how much scarier it was to face this, alone.
White candles
in an Innocent's mirror
Having willfully thrown over board any strengths I have, I feel defenseless.
However horrible is this state of mind, it is preferable to being abandoned.
Speaking only for myself here, I think what I choose defenseless over is my raging desire to kill the Witch Mother.
But that's just me.
Twin wolves
livid red
in those eyes....
Bad Cedar.
F you, mom.
Sadly, sorrowfully, F you, mom.
Turn way.
Save the Child.
To cope with the dangers in my FOO this is the preferred identity (which keeps me safe): Terrified. Targeted. Out of control. Without protection. People are trying to hurt me. Come after me. They can do whatever they want. Smear me. I am alone. Nobody to protect me.
Terrified. Like a target. Like prey.
Oh,'ve met my mother, then.
I prefer the identity as dominated and taken advantage of than being abandoned.
Well, you are nicer than me, Copa.
I prefer it to matricide.
Not in real life, but in my brain. My mother/myself. How can I be myself if I destroy half of myself? So I let my mother live, and committed to destroying myself.
For wishing to live.
For the audacity of wishing to love.
Not even to be loved, Copa.
But to have my love accepted.
It was the only gift I could give.
The only thing that was left of me.
I wanted to save her from that Cedar. I still do. Even if I have to sacrifice myself.
You cannot save her.
You can save you.
That is the Mission: Impossible, here.
That is the core of the conflict.
Who is the liar, here. Who did this to Cedar. Who did this to Copa. Who did this to Serenity.
Who is the liar, here.
I have inverted any strength or attribute I had that either threatened or I interpreted as threatening my mother, to pacify her anger and jealousy of me.
Because the other choice would be the one I make.
The one Serenity makes.
The one you must make, too.
Who is the liar, here.
Who did this, to Copa.
There is such rage for me in that question, Copa.
All of these other things are after the fact. I may have incurred my mother's wrath because of a toileting accident or because she resented changing a diaper. But my real crime was that I saw the truth of my situation.
One of the traumas I have not shared here has to do with my brother and a toileting incident and my mother's stupidly selfish and forever unacceptable rage. She rubbed excrement on his face, Copa.
And made him walk into the kitchen.
Crying ~ oh, man. I will never forget it.
And if I was four...he was three. Just a beautiful little boy whose mother rubbed s**t in his face
and then made him display what she had done to him.
I do hate her, Copa.
I became my own accuser and the result was an underbelly of feeling, that I incorporated as my identity. I prefered and chose this alter-ego instead of the positive attributes that make other children stars in ballet or in class or in sports.
This was my chosen identity: Vulnerable. Alone. Nobody. Pishy. Rejected. Helpless. A pariah. Denounced. Abandoned as unworthy. Bad.
And your mother would have it no other way. For all of her life and of yours Copa,
she would never, ever stop.
A beautiful little girl, Copa. Shining with that rare beauty every child possesses. I've read we are born "trailing clouds of glory" come from the truth of our essence.
And that is what your mom did to that beautiful child.
She did that to you, Copa.
You came to her fresh; an innocent and free thing, trailing swirling clouds of unimaginable glory.
Of hope, Copa.
For her. A chance to recreate herself through loving her child.
She couldn't even do that.
Why would a child do this to herself? Fear of the punitive, destructive, engulfing and abandoning mother.
And, for me, to cover her rage. Because even as children, we knew what they were doing was wrong; was evil.
No wonder, we reason, she hates me. We hate ourselves for the way we think about them, about that first object that we so desperately love, too.
This is true for me. It may not be true for you.
That is what I forgive, and that is who I forgive.
Up with this, I will not put, right?
Bad Cedar.
Courageous Cedar. So much to incorporate, to try to make sense of, for such a little girl.
Whose heart is fulled with love...and with its opposite.
The choice was mine.
I chose.
My secret shame is strength.
And Witch Mother will be right to kill us, if she knows; if she were ever to find out.
White candles
in an innocent's mirror....
Nope. Raw courage.
What does it mean to be a survivor. stronger
It means to live, to claim our wonderful lives and never to listen to the flowers again. The benefit to us is in loving, in caring, in erecting the fence to protect them and to love them with everything in us.
Or is it to take possession of that castle in the English countryside and to send the English king packing "lest I taunt you a second time".
It is the English king, after all, who has nothing to offer but a meaningless quest for a Grail we already possess.
All we have to do is claim it.
Declare it to be what it is and claim it for our own.
"Lest we taunt you a second time."
I deserved what happened to me
Copa, I believe there is a purpose to what happens to all of us. Everything is too minutely complex for it to be other than that.
You did your best. You behaved with integrity.
You are not responsible for his path or his fate or his choices
or for his growth, or for his refusal to grow, through them.
But you are responsible Copa, for yours.
And as always, you require of yourself honesty and integrity.
Good work.
She is gone, Cedar. There are no more chances to love her. Sometimes I enter the closet where she is. I see the urn. I have to physically stop myself from trying to climb in. (It is a reasonably small urn. Not even my forearm would fit. I would make a huge mess if I tried. That horrifies me. But I want to, anyway, climb into that bronze urn with my Mom.)
Secret shame/secret power
And the Child's desperate hope.
And how a little girl could divine this, I do not know.
Me, either.
We do seem to though ~ children, I mean.
Once upon a time, in a faraway land where time and distance had lost all meaning, there were born to the peasantry a generation of female children whose task and whose talent it would be to unravel the tangled skeins of deceit, viciousness, and trickery that bound the hearts, the souls, and the bloodlines of those families into which each would be born.