Like Janet, 7 yrs later I still have PSTD....however mine is vastly improved and pretty much under control at this point. Although out of the blue I can be riding in the car and out of nowhere I'm in the fetal position. (think over exaggerated wince) It never happens when I'm in control of the car, so I try not to ride with others often.
I remember the accident before/after. Although after feels more like a dream than it actually happened. Hard to explain. I still have trouble talking......I tend to mix up what I'm saying or other words from what I intend to say come out of my mouth. At least it has stopped in my writing. It was really severe there at first. I could think I was writing one sentence but what I wrote made no sense.....and I could read it 3-4 times and never spot something was wrong with it until someone actually pointed it out.
I have the same issue with numbers. It has improved a bit, but not that much. I have to be extremely careful when doing numbers. And often a calculator isn't very helpful. It might help me get the math right but when I transpose the numbers getting the math right doesn't matter. This is what scares me to death with pharmacology class. The math is complicated and reversing numbers could kill someone.
I am not the person I was before the accident. And there are times when I find that downright infuriating.

I had to
work on accepting that.
I hope he'll take you up on the support group. I think it will give him valuable insight that 1. he will improve with time and if he works on it, and 2. he is not alone and 3. that some of the odds things he can't do/ or does now is shared by others with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI).