Favorite types of coffee


Well-Known Member
Yes, but because Splenda is so much sweeter than sugar I'm much more jaded towards anything not at least that sweet. Splenda itself isn't necessarily harmful, but it has been proven in some people to trigger reward centers in the brain that watch for the extra calorie boost from sweets. As Splenda is zero calorie, this causes cravings for sweets. Not in everyone but I'm fairly certain I'm one. Just ask Lil, I have a disturbingly serious sweet tooth that's almost impossible for me to control.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I read that too. But to me nothing is sweeter than sugar and I dont eat sweets at all unless, say, i have to or somebody will be insulted lol. So i dont crave sweets. I can walk through a baking aisle and not even turn my head. You do get used to ignoring sweets. And it doesnt take long either. I think people get kind of addicted to candy, chocolate and french fries. After a while of passing them by, the craving goes away no matter how close you stand to the smell of them. I REALLY especially never miss fries. Fried food is so heavy. It may taste good in the moment, but for me at night I find it creeping up into my throat and I taste it again in a burning icky way. So to avoid that I seriously avoid all fried food, again unless I will insult someone if I dont eat it. i prefer baked or grilled.
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Well-Known Member
I like hazelnut either green mountain or dunkin at home. I have kuerig. If out dunkin. French Vanilla creamer and stevia so i can pretend i am being healthy. If i want a decadent treat screw diabeties and weight i like believe it or not mcDonalds mocha frappe only thing i like at McDonalds.


Well-Known Member
The reason I prefer Splenda

You don't use Splenda. Splenda is the yellow stuff (sucralose). You use Sweet N Low, the pink stuff (which is saccharine). The blue stuff is Equal (aspartame). Splenda is about the same as sugar, maybe a bit sweeter, and hasn't got as much aftertaste. You can bake with Splenda. You can't really bake or cook with Sweet N Low, because it leaves a funky aftertaste.

Just ask Lil, I have a disturbingly serious sweet tooth that's almost impossible for me to control.

Yes. Yes he does.

Really, he eats WAY MORE sweets that anyone should, diabetic or not and because they're in the house, I also eat them...if I get to them before him. There's been more than once there's been a bag of chocolate in the cupboard and I'll go look for it and it's gone and I've had one piece. I don't mean to indicate that's often, but it's happened. If it's put away, I sometimes forget it's there. I don't think my Jabber has ever forgotten a sweet existed. Now, I'm not saying I wouldn't buy sweets. I'm very fond of sweets myself, especially of the donut or chocolate variety. But he's WAY more with the sweet tooth than I am, and that's really saying something.


Well-Known Member
Lol. But, Jabber, there is a difference. Although i am really not sure what it is lol. I do know it is supposed to be baaaasad. Not sure why. I dont like its taste.