Sugar substitute


Crazy Cat Lady
The only time I tried an energy drink was when Red Bull first came out. My team and I had worked 43 hours straight due to an overseas network outage and were dead on our feet. One of my guys bought me a can of Red Bull after i said I was calling my husband to come get me as I was unfit to drive. He said it would "wake me right up". I drank about half the can, waiting about twenty minutes, and couldn't decide whether to call my husband or an ambulance: my heart rate and rhythm were going crazy. Thing is, I was a pretty heavy caffeine user at the time, and an energy drink did that to me.


Well-Known Member
When my son was 39 he was help his girlfriend paint her living room when he had what she thought was a seizure. But then he started turning blue...and she started CPR and her son called 911. CPR was done for 8 minutes until the paramedics used the shock paddles on him, then transported to the ER.

He was in ICU for a couple of days and had multiple tests done, including a heart cath. They found no damage to his heart, or any malformations. They implanted a defibrillator in case it happened again.

And he had been drinking energy drinks... Many people think that there is not a connection, but I believe there is,



Crazy Cat Lady
Red Bull is the only energy drink I've tried, and from what I understand, the original Red Bull in the small cans was mild compared to what's out there today.

I have heard there have been deaths associated with excessive consumption of energy drinks and energy "shots", but haven read any medical reports that I can cite, so any evidence I have is anecdotal.

I do know that the heart weirdness passed off after a couple of hours and when I called my doctor the next day, she said that I hadn't consumed enough caffeine for it to damage my heart: that it was a sensitivity combined with my consuming too much caffeine overall, and being very overtired.


Crazy Cat Lady
Oh, I don't doubt, SWOT. I'm just saying that *I* haven't read any reports that can be cited.

My experience was also back in the late 90s, right when Red Bull first hit the Chicago market and was like gold with the Gen X IT folks. It was expensive and hard to get ahold of, and this young guy offering his boss one was either a real act of kindness or a real act of arse-kissery.

I might add, that Red Bull, at least then, tasted like carbonated Nyquil without the alcohol. Horrible.


Well-Known Member
I never saw documentation either. Dont do energy drinks so never thought to look. Just know this csrdioligist doesnt like them.


Crazy Cat Lady
Well, a cardiologist is a legitimate, verifiable source. What's even scarier is that people are ordering chemically pure caffeine powder online and taking it (not sure how: mixing it in drinks? snorting it?) and dying. I'd heard years and years ago of it being used as a cut for cocaine, but not of people actually using it straight up.


Well-Known Member
His doctor told me that kids and adults die from energy drinks and that they are dangerous.

There have been officers taken out of the prison by ambulance because they are drinking two to four energy drinks per shift because they're out too late partying and don't get enough sleep. They are dangerous in my opinion. For me its simple, if there isn't enough caffeine in coffee or soda then I need more sleep. I can muddle through a day tired and go to bed earlier. MUCH better option than a possible trip to the ER. Caffeine may or may not be addictive but a habit is still a habit.


Well-Known Member
Its addictive. I had horrible headaches when withdrawing so I had to wean off with a cup in the morning. Its been a few months now and I feel a difference without it.

I heard or read (dont remember which or from where) that energy drinks may start carrying a health warning.


Crazy Cat Lady
Yes. Eliminating caffeine was an important step in managing my headaches, along with medication. However, the withdrawal headaches were horrid, and medication didn't help them. Now that I am using small amounts of caffeine again, it's a careful balance between benefits and not bringing the headaches back again.


Active Member
Yup have a headache now.

I haven't drank any sodas today but have had my normal lots of coffee.

The head ache could be from less sugar and caffeine then normal or from all the people I swear are out to purposely get on my nerves today.

I actually told someone today to repeat what they said a few times to themselves and call me back when they realized the fault in their logic. That was a few hours ago, either they figured it out and are embarrassed or are still trying lol

FYI it was a request to deliver a charger for tools (because there dead and need them) to house that has no power lol


I used to drink tea with sugar.
For health reasons I wanted to give up sugar (including alcohol and fruit juice)and also wheat products. SO I also gave up tea because there seemed little point drinking it without sugar.
Since giving up, i find that my energy release is balanced; no cravings for food between meals...i can delay lunch by and hour or so and not climb the walls or panic, weight loss without having to think about it. I "feel great"; that makes keeping off sugar and tea so worthwhile to me. I've noticed other health benefits too. I did have a few headaches for a couple of days when i first came off. Nothing that a painkiller or two could not cope with.