Feeling Sad, I know you are getting ready to go back to teaching, and I think that is a good thing. I have been following along here with you.
What you are now doing is very new and very hard, because you took a stand for your own safety and your son's safety---which was the only thing you could do---and now you are living in uncertainty about your other son, whom you also love very much. That is so very hard, a Sophie's Choice. But it was the right and only thing you could do, given the circumstances.
Having to go to work is a good thing. In my depths, I had to drag myself to function. I was divorced, and my support was then my own responsibility, completely. It was very hard, and I felt many times that I didn't know whether I could do it or not. I have my own business, and I have to "kill it, drag it home and then do something with it" if you know what I mean. I have to have a lot of energy and initiative and persistence, and those qualities were in short supply for a long time with everything going on with Difficult Child. Looking back, I didn't function at all near my top capacity, and others could see it do. I was doing the best I could do, and it was a struggle.
What else can we ever do, but the best we can do at the time? We aren't perfect. We are struggling to maintain in a very difficult situation and make Sophie's Choice types of decisions, which are soul-wrenching.
We must have lots of support and tools in our toolbox to weather this type of challenge.
I cannot see or talk to him now for 5 years because of the restraining order! He is not allowed to see or talk to me. I will probably never see or talk to him ever again! That is what is breaking my heart. I feel like I am going crazy.
So I obsess about him hurting or killing himself, others, my youngest son, or me and there is nothing I can do about it.
I see two things here. One you are "awfulizing" which is something Al-Anon identifies and helps us work on. We automatically go to the worst case scenario. We do this because we feel completely powerless and helpless in the face of terrible fear and despair. We "play the movie" because then, perhaps we can be prepared for it. It is another effort by us to control the uncontrollable. This is very normal to do, but it isn't factual. Almost all the time, the worst never happens, and we spent a lot of time and energy on the worst.
Second, you said "there is nothing I can do about it." You are right. This is the next challenge, learning to live with powerlessness. Not helplessness, but powerlessness. This is another area that Al-Anon helps people work on, i.e., Step One: “We admitted we were powerless over alcohol— that our lives had become unmanageable.” I would write that Step in my journal and substitute all kinds of words for alcohol, like my son's name, a person at work I was having trouble with, whatever. This is the first step in realizing our own humanity---we can't control things. We can't control people, places or things. And believe me, I was the world's worst at this---I thought my sheer will and persistence and hard work could overcome anything because in many cases in life, it had and has.
But not people. Especially not DCs.
This is the work we must do. And it is worthy work. As we work so hard to let go, we find peace. It is truly a miracle that this awful journey with our precious DCs can lead us to a much better life for US than we ever could have dreamed of.
That's what I hope for you, for Copa and for so many others struggling here on this board. We know, because we have lived in the very same despair and crippling pain and fear. We all love our children so very much. We would do ANYTHING to help them. I used to say this: I would stand in front of any train for him, but there are so many trains and I don't know where to stand.
I hope you feel the warmth and strength and compassion here on this board. We all can identify with each other, and we are here for each other on our good days and bad days. And even though my son is so much better today, I still struggle with myself and having expectations and wanting to control situations and not letting go in many relationships. This is lifelong work, to manage ME, and a full time job.
Hang in there and keep posting. Telling the truth to us is cathartic. We're here for you and we understand. Warm hugs today.