Hi and welcome to the board. I wanted to jump in here before you felt the need to defend yourself or your position regarding your opinion of your nephews behavior. I think that you have clearly stated that you *think* your nephew is a psychopath based on your research, reading and witnessing of his actions. While this could be entirely true, at his age? I wanted to give you a glimmer of hope; even though most times after people have witnessed and lived through these horrific acts they rarely do, and with good reasons. I'll try to explain why I feel your reasons are good (and in my own way - not so good) not because I am a defender of psychopaths-sociopaths, but because I've lived with, and was nearly killed on several occasions by one, and raised a budding other.
First I wanted to thank you for brining to light the other board. Until you had brought that to my attention? Quite honestly, I never knew such a place existed. The isolation, and fear for your life a person like a sociopath can make you feel from the world wouldn't exactly lend a victim the chance or choice to look for such a place. The control they have over you is so life-altering you can't imagine. The fear they possess your entire being with is indescribable, and not really anything that even 20 plus years later? I could even begin to put in words. When others come forward and write books after being kidnapped? I'm often quite literally stunned that they are able to do so. Twenty years after my ordeal? I'm still not able to even deal with it all, where they find the courage is astounding. I was beaten, tortured, and nearly killed so many times I lost count. The anger, rage and split personality that comes over these people when they snap is unlike anything you could possibly imagine, and even if you read what these people are doing you can't absorb what true fear is. So you would ask "HOW could you stay with someone like this? You seem like such a rational, smart, intelligent person?" I really have no great response for myself other than I knew if I left, I'd be hunted down and death would be the best thing I could expect.
My ex is what they call a natural born killer. No remorse and by that I mean none. One minute he could be sitting there next to me having a conversation at dinner, then slap the teeth out of my mouth, pound my face into a plate, choke me until I passed out....then when I came to? Be sitting in a chair and ask me to get him a Pepsi, as if nothing happened. And I would, completely out of fear, of what would happen to me or my son if I didn't.
When I left him? I was so scared. I managed to get my son away from him and went into hiding for years. Eventually I had someone betray us, and his Mother found us. I lived in constant fear, got counseling for 15 years, my son? Oh boy - Not too sure I know many five year olds that chase neighbor children down the road with a scythe screaming "I'll kill you" for poking their head in the dog door to see if they could come in the den to play with him and the neighbor kid." I managed to get him to the hospital - he destroyed it. They took him to the State mental hospital in a K-9 van, handcuffed. No police cars were available. It was horrid. Even then no one told me he was a budding sociopath. That didn't come until years later. Was he outrageous? Yes, did he defy authority? Absolutely. Did he ever spit in my face? Certainly. Did he come at me with weapons? Shot an arrow at my heart, and a number of other weapon related things. Did I worry that he was like is biofather? (Would you?) yes, yes I did. But I kept on with therapy, and kept praying. I didn't sugar coat it. See some psychopaths, and sociopaths are ARE productive members of society - they are Senators, lawyers, and doctors - mostly surgeons. They are extremely good at their job - career driven people. They're good because they lack emotions that would otherwise keep them from being sensitive to outside things that would hold them back. There are a lot more sociopaths in society than peole realize. Not all are the killer type. Thats a very small percentage that become the killer type.
As far as your nephew? To me, personally? He sounds angry as hell. He sounds like the ONLY person that he is comfortable taking his anger out on? Is his Mom. I don't think he's angry per-se at her? But he's angry. The fact that he scored high on a books definition of being a sociopath? Well, he could most certainly be headed that way - OR it could just be that he's SO angry that if he doesn't get the help he needs to deal with these anger issues? He is going to be a very, lonely, miserable, person - period. We all have it in us to score high on the sociopath scale. Take any woman that has a scorching case or PMS - and have her take that test - (not even poking fun) the day she on the top of her PMS day or even worse ask me on a day when I have full blown PMDD - I'd probably score pretty high too. Could I actually hurt someone on those days? Yes. Would I? I don't know - I would hope not, but I'm human - we all are. I just have a better set of coping skills and a ton of therapy - what does your nephew have? I have shirts in my closet older than him. What does he have under his belt for anger management? What does he have for coping skills? WHAT does he have for a 'go to' place when he's THAT HOT? that he wants to explode? HOW does your sister behave when she KNOWS he's that angry? Does she leave him alone? Or does she do the "What's wrong, how can I help? Why won't you talk to me, HONEY It's MOM? thing - Does SHE know to leave him ALONE? Let him walk away? GIVE HIM SPACE? Or does she smother him? Has SHE had therapy for anger control? How effectively does she communicate ?
These are not meant to put her or your nephew down but these ARE extremely important things in a family that is in crisis dynamic. If one person is on fire - (hot temper) the other family members NEED TO KNOW - LEAVE HIM ALONE. (As we say here) DO NOT POKE THE BEAR. Deal with it later. Maybe that's not what's going on - I mean literally - you CAN make it worse - you can pour gasoline on a fire. I know - I used to do it with my own son. I USED to provoke his temper and make it 100 times worse - So we both went to anger management classes. Came out 100 times better - he learned skills - and I learned skills and it may have been something as simple as his pencil led breaking - I had no clue - but THAT would be the icing on his cake for the day and he'd YELL and growl - and instead of me saying "HONEY WHAT IS WRONG?" -------I would just let him be. He'd come out and say "I'm going for a walk." ----I would say "Need me?I'm here" and let it go.
Amazing thing about it - ? I was told 5 years ago there was a good chance he was - a budding psycho path. I mean his biofather is more than that. Now he's gone to FIND his father - found him and the most amazing thing is -against my better judgement? He's found him and sees exactly what I was talking about and doesn't want to be ANYTHING like him. A lot of the anger? A lot of the outbursts? Not there any more. So did we change his mapping? Yes. (For a good read look up Mapping regarding a persons mind - can it be changed? yes)
I'm not ready to throw in the towel on any kid. I think too that a lot of what people perceive has to do with your own life experiences and the degree to which you have lived them. For example - I've lived through every natural disaster there is, except volcano. For me- hurricane, tornado, flood - comes tomorrow - of course it's awful - but since I've been through it? It's not THAT damaging and overwhelming to me - I know a little what to expect. However a volcano erupts and huh.....this is going to be new and weird and I'm going to be awe struck because I've never lived through it, and the only thing I have to base my opinion on is what I read about - or my own perceptions, and some of what others tell me. Obviously I don't have to ride a bull to know it's dangerous, but what I'm trying to say is -----mental health or lack of it has so many varying degrees that having not lived through it? Sometimes people might think it's worse than it is, and just go for the worst possible scenario, when others who have lived through it - may say "You know what? It is bad, but......have you considered this? We've been through that and it is possible that he's X and not XX?"
I'm not sure what anyone else is saying here, but when I read about what your nephew has done? And in NO WAY am I saying it's not severe behavior - because it is - and he needs consequences most definitely - a 15 year old with a knife chasing their Mom down the drive needs help - but on the other side of that coin? The entire FAMILY needs help because they all are in crisis mode (you are very correct in that). I'm just not 100% convinced he couldn't be saved - if his Mom will listen to reason, and I think that's the crux of what you are trying to get across to her - maybe if you came at her with a different approach, in talking about finding out about the anger problems, and her getting help and him getting help instead of coming at her with a suggestion of he's a psychopath? It may help them all - and they'd be helped, and none the wiser - and you'd get a sister and a nephew back. If it did turn out that they got in him into any therapy and the doctor determined that he was pscyho/socio - then so be it. I'd let that burden rest with the doctor and not you.
I'd see that as a win/win situation.
Just a suggestion