You are often in my thoughts and prayers, ctmom. I know how scared I was when my gfgbro spent 2 weeks in the local jail before rehab - and I was just his sister, 800 miles away, and not in the midst of the problems he caused. I also know the breakdown my mother had a year later because she simply refused to deal with all of it until seh couldn't ignore it any more.
PLEASE see someone NOW, and work with alanon also.
I have a mother in law who works with prison systems around the world. She has been to at least 12 other countries, developed and undeveloped, to help them set up reality and choice therapy programs. She also has worked for decades in the prisons in our area, with those sentenced to life in prison. The therapy she uses and teaches really helps. The "lifers" she works with first use the therapy themselves and then work to teach other inmates the therapy. It has been incredibly successful - even those without hope of life outside the prison have turned themselves around with this. WHEN YOU ARE READY, read either Choice Therapy (the most recent of the 2) or Reality Therapy - both by Dr. Wm Glasser. IT can help YOU with this and help you eventually give difficult child info that might help him. I know it helped us help Wiz, and I believe Star has also read one of his books nad found it helpful.
Again, wait until YOU are ready and able before feeling you need to tackle this.
You are in my prayers always.