hardest day as a parent ever


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I am so very sorry. Yes, take the xanax, get a good nights sleep, take a couple of deep breaths, we're right there with you. Sending you kind thoughts and hoping you find some peace and calm. Prayers and hugs.


A maze of Grace - that about sums it up
Thank you again for all the kind words and encouragement. I am feeling a bit better now. I saw difficult child II yesterday and today each time for about an hour. Although the facility is one of the best, it still didn't feel much different from the county juvenille shelter (how lovely I can compare, LOL). The main hall of the unit my son is in was full so he is in an extension hallway with just 3 other boys, this makes me feel a bit better and he likes his room mate. Truthfully as I walked down the main hall each boy peeking out of the room greeted me with a smile no matter how intimidating they looked. I have a head cold from Hades, turned 40 this week, hospitalized my baby, have a breast biopsie scheduled next week, Closing on my condo mid April.... oh and I blocked my x's cell # and his email (so very over due).... One day at a time....
While I wish you didn't have so much on your plate right now, I'm glad you're feeling a little better with your decision. You're a great mom and doing what's best for difficult child 2. Keeping both you and difficult child 2 in my thoughts... Hugs... SFR


New Member
Glad you got to see him. I am sure it is a huge adjustment. Will be thinking of you this week, please let us know you are ok after the biopsy. That is a hard thing to go through. I had a little scare one time and so I do understand. On those stress checklists you have so many that are at the top plus some extras. I hope you can find some time to try to get your mind off of things. {{hugs}}


Well-Known Member
AOG, you're a strong Warrior Mum who's doing the best thing possible for her child. Still, it's so very hard.
Sending many hugs.


Roll With It
((((((((((hugs)))))))))) I am sorry I didn't see this earlier. You are doing all you can and in the long run this will be for the best. I hope the Residential Treatment Center (RTC) is able to make sure that difficult child has someone he can confide in if he si afraid of anyone, someone that will handle it quietly and confidentially. You might get some peace of mind if you ask them how they would handle that type of thing

i am proud that you blocked your x. that is a big step. I hope that you have let the Residential Treatment Center (RTC) know that x is not allowed to contact difficult child. Or that if he does contact difficult child then difficult child will need a lot of support and help to process it. Even if that doesn't come up, I hope the therapist will help difficult child work through the feelings for his dad.

Have you shared the parent report with the Residential Treatment Center (RTC) psychiatrist/therapist? Were they receptive? It might be helpful.

know that we are with you during your biopsy and at any other time of the day that you need/want us. Even if you can't post, we are rght there with you.

Happy birthday!!!!!!! What day was your birthday???