----(Star thinks she's naturally gifted as a gabber.)
This morning I got up, let HIS puppy out. Fed HIS puppy. Sorry folks I won't let any child starve- furry or otherwise.
Funny story about that. You know Dude has not been home, so he leaves "baby" Luu-Luu with us. Well, to know us is to know we love animals. (Remember, we're the ones that trap spiders and release them into the woods while saying 'now tell all your arachnid buddy's to stay out of our house because you got a second chance) Anyway Dude is in the living room. I'm in the back bedroom down the hall where I might ad, said pup and Pootie (his OTHER castoff - our little girl now) and my Big dog Casper and I all share a king sized bedroom.
So here we are all snuggled and in walks Dude to "claim" HIS puppy. Oh okay. (takes HIS puppy to the living room) then I hear (baromp, baromp, baromp, baromp, baromp -pitter patter of little paws, a slight whine, scratch ,and I open the door and there she is - Luu Luu Belle the baby. She darts to my side of the bed, jumps up, and in the bed she is put. I shut the door and down the hall comes Dude. KNOCK KNOCK....(puppy hides under the pillows) "WHERE IS MY PUPPY?" He comes over to my side of the bed, moves the pillow - takes her back out into the living room. We resettle. Two minutes later? (baromp, baromp, baromp, baromp, baromp, baromp, baromp, baromp, pitter patter -a bit faster, scratch, scratch with no whine) and I open the door, pick her up and we do the whole charade over again.
Dude bursts through the door and announces "You're stealing MY puppy!" (oh yeah, I feed her, I potty train her, I play with her, I bathe her, I love her, I correct her, I get her toys, I just spend time with her and I give her cuddles - yup that's stealing....but you aren't HERE....idget) I just sigh, he reaches into the bed, takes her again and the look on her face was worse than Dorothy's Toto when Elmira Gulch put him into the basket. I felt bad for her. Not one minute later......yup you guessed it....the baromp monster....scratch,(swear she whispered Gramma?) and this time when I got up? I locked the door behind us, and we settled down, fell asleep and thinks she's a furry human neck scarf. Dude gave up and went to bed.
Last night? He put up a barricade in the living room and took his puppy to bed with him. This morning at 12:30 I got up to check the house and when I opened my door? The baromp monster burst through the barricade and slept soundly all night being my furry little neck scarf and her "Daddy" was none the wiser. She felt so sassy when she walked out into the kitchen this morning at 7:00 keeping her schedule to have her Puppy Chow on time, then did pees in the grass, (under an umbrella and watchful eye of the worlds best big sister Pootie) and back in to be towel dried, have a cookie, and go back to a snuggling warm spot.
Oh and Dude? I did exactly what Nomad said. Thought it was brilliant actually. I told him last night that he should pack his lunch tonight and get his clothes ready before hand & today would be his last wakeup call by me, then he should find an alarm clock. So I gave the "Time to get up Dude" at 7:00 sharp. And at 7:35 I left. DF freaked out, then said "Ohhhhhhkay."
When I got to work? It was raining, and Dude's boss called me and asked if he was here. I said "Nope." So he said "Well it is raining, I'll call him later and swing by and pick him up on the way in." .....I just keep thinking "Whatever."
Oh and by the way - Dude informed us in a heated, one-sided scream fest last night while trying to assemble a dog cage that he got out of my storage shed without permission -(you know he's working now and he's going to put HIS puppy in that cage all day while he's at work) NOT LIKELY -that he was getting his paperwork together at the P.O's office and in 45 days he would have his transfer to go live with his Daddy. I asked him after his one sided scream-fest if he has called "said daddy" to make his arrangements, and he said "NOooooooo. He doesn't have a phone. And he lives with someone who lives with someone else. But I'm welcome there." ----uh huh.
DF suggested getting a calendar and marking off the 45 days with smiley face stickers.



-Yesterday when I told Dude to pack his lunch he said he didn't NEED one - but came in and ate most of MINE.....