HELP - Suicidal difficult child out of p-hospital!!


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Staff member
Tryagain, well, it sounds as if things are moving along. You sound more resolved. Those shocks are tough on us, and in our world, unfortunately they are way too common.

I'm glad she has a good doctor and some plans are in the works.

Our 'Nomad' here has dealt with her young, bi-polar daughter very well, making strong, unbreakable boundaries with consequences that are working well for everyone. So, it can be done. And, her daughter lives near them too. You've always mentioned that your daughter is "lazy" so perhaps this next step in her life will push her to her capabilities and offer her more of a sense of accomplishment and success if she has to work and meet certain criteria.

We are keeping expectations low and keeping our boundaries in place.

I think that is a wise tactic for most of us here.

Remember to take VERY good care of yourselves, keep up the self care.........and try to have some fun, some playful times completely void of difficult child stuff. We need to get away from all of it periodically. SO and I are taking off for the ocean today, we'll go on a long hike, breathe in the salty air, have a nice lunch and a good drive and laugh. We take these outings at least once a week and it is an enormous help. Getting "out of Dodge" even for just the day, does wonders.

As always, I'm keeping you and your family in my prayers and wishing you peace of mind.........
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Active Member
Recovering, you are so understanding and wise...and a good writer, too! Have you ever thought of writing a book? Title: Recovering Enabler :) Thank you for your encouragement.

She is here tonight-and her kind "combo easy child/difficult child" sibling has invited her to visit a few days so husband and I can regroup--she was looking at apartments online tonight-and we so hope that she'll get a short term lease on one w her old pal in bigger town 45 minutes away...time will tell.


Well-Known Member
Hi Try, was just thinking about you and wanting to wish you a happy regroup :). Very glad to hear your daughter is making plans and seeing her doctor. Hope all is well for you tonite.


Active Member
Thanks and peace be with you all. I am embracing what joy I can find in the moment rather than letting the always unpredictable circumstances of difficult child dictate my life and attitude. Trying to be more onlooker than participant-not easy. Hope everyone has a restful sleep tonight.


Active Member
Just an update and a thanks to all for your awesome support.

difficult child has been stable and I'm just hoping she stays on her medications this time. Unfortunately, her old pal abruptly decided she couldn't handle the pressure and expense of an apartment, which upset difficult child but not to the point of coming to pieces. So back to square one. We are as eager as she is to find her a place, a job, and get enrolled in school. As day at a time. Got to get to work, or I'd read everyone else's updates; will have to do that tonight. Carpe diem!