Everything I've ever known is up for review.
Although I have been on computers for quite a while, the IT part. The fixing, building, networking, troubleshooting part. I have not had very much exposure to forums. The signature thing is a little confusing. I am not sure what is expected for that. I am a 50yo mother and now Grandmother. I have raised three adult children, the oldest 31yo male, oppositional from age 4, just out of prison wanting to improve and change his life. He and I are now living with his half sister and her 11yo male severely oppositional child. Having to adjust and compassionately work with all three of them to get along in this extremely disfunctional setting is challenging. Very nice to have my oldest see a reflection of the behavior of his younger years and how it affected me and landed him serving the years in prison. He is motivated to help his nephew change his ways and show me his appreciation. I found this website looking for ways that we might be able to help her son. And just writing this is actually letting off some steam. So thank you for making it available. I plan on reading and writing whenever possible. Thank you. Hummingbird.