I made flyers for her and printed off 50 copies today. I think the dog is gone, but if she has just a glimmer of hope....
She is supposed to stop by the house tomorrow to get them. I told her to let me know if she is coming around lunch time because she was too dang skinny last time I saw her. She just wrote "haha". I asked her if she applied for food stamps and she said she applied online but couldn't get them. I asked her why and she said she didn't know. I asked what she put as an address and all of the other information and of course, no response. I reminded her that her nana is still looking for a roommate. No reply.
I am trying SO hard not to enable, and not get hoovered in. She isn't asking for anything. She isn't complaining about anything. Yet I feel the need to ask her all these questions. Why?? Why do I open the door to drama???? Not that she gives much these days (there was just that one day where we had a little drama and nothing since). But I sure am opening the door for it. Ugh. I need to LET GO.....