Well-Known Member
I am very sad. I am not sure why.
I am alone. I am doing nothing at all constructive except I bought some new clothes and shoes online, that should fit my body as it is.
I get overwhelmed when I start doing anything in the house. So I stop.
I have not heard in the past couple of days from my son.
M has been working 14 hour days. Day after day like this. He works like a dog for very little money.
I find myself focusing on the problem that M and I have with money.
I think I use this issue of money, M's economic dependence upon me to beat myself up. But that does not mean that there are not realistic issues here.
You know I speak with a psychiatrist every couple of weeks by phone. Early on, he said this: Many women would not be in a relationship such as yours. By that I think he meant where the man was economically dependent and undocumented.
And once M's niece *the adult daughter of his evil sister, inferred that the reason he was with me was what he got out of it. That I know she heard from her mother.
I will be honest here:
6 years ago when I met him it was because I hired him to do work in my house. He was recommended to me as somebody who could do anything, and a good man.
A few months later we fell into a romantic relationship. While I felt a great pull towards him, we fell into a romantic relationship. We did not choose it. He had been ready to return to Mx and his wife decided she did not want him back.
Initially, after we got involved, he did slough off some on the job. We were having fun together. We liked being together. I paid him by the job so the cost was to him if there was a delay.
In other ways it did cost me, because if the pace of his working slowed, the amount of money that he generated slowed. And I picked up the slack for expenses that we shared. And I set up the precedent of helping him with an extraordinary expense that he could not manage.
Nothing was said by me to change or limit these arrangements. In these 6 years he has never asked me for anything that would materially benefit himself. Nothing. We have helped his mother and parents, but not much. But I have helped a lot with expenses: cell phone, sometimes gas, car insurance. And I have paid for the lion's share of living expenses.
I knew his situation. He had left everything in Mx. Any work he got here would be marginal, poorly paid and likely abusive. Any work he got as an unlicensed contractor, as he has worked since I knew him and before, would be the same. When we met we were in a severe economic depression where we lived. Particularly in housing and construction. I knew this going in.
Eventually, his working interfered with my working. I would get jobs out of town and we would want him to come with me. I would freak out when his work extended so much past when he thought he would be done as to interfere with him coming with me. He felt that my demands were affecting his reputation as a worker. He wanted to work until the people were 100 percent satisfied, even past the point where his agreements were met. I thought he was being abused.
The reality is we had become a unit. I do not think I could have worked as I did if it had not been for him. We traveled to far away places. We set up a household. Once we lived in a brothel, because it was the closest motel to where I worked. Another time we lived in a school bus. He became as if a house husband. He supported me. I am pretty sure I could never have done it without him. Or if I could, the costs to me would have been pretty high.
The reality is that when I work I earn maybe 10 times or more than he does. I work less hard, in infinitely better conditions. The other reality is he has nothing here. No assets. I do.
He works like a dog. He is treated like a dog. He is paid a pittance. The fact is that was how he had worked his whole life. He had the belief that some work, any work was better than no work. And that some money coming in was better than none. His work life has been like this since he was 5 years old.
He achieved a great deal in his country. By all accounts he was tireless. By all accounts everything he ever had went to his family. By all accounts he earned well and took care of his family well. By some accounts his wife took advantage of him and his generosity and trust of her by siphoning money off to her family, by living a high life while he worked so hard. For a long time he adhered to the traditional custom of turning over everything he earned to her. And ended up with nothing.
More or less I knew what I was getting into.
The issue I am talking about is boundaries. I do not care whether M makes big money. While it is not my business I do care if he is abused in his work.
To insist that he pay for 50 percent of our expenses, and at the same time criticize how his clients abuse him, or insist that he put my work first, I know is not fair. This I get, and I do not do this anymore. I think.
So after going on and on, here are what I think are the issues:
I know we are talking about boundaries here: I have not protected myself well with money.
It does not feel good to me if other people think I am debasing myself. It does not feel good to me if even one stupid and out of line person says he is in the relationship to get what he can get.
I want him to be able to pay for his own needs. I want him to be able to pay half of the household costs. And a lot of times he can't.
I know that I am not the only woman in this situation. Women have disabled husbands. Some relationships designate the husband as the house husband. But neither one of us is like this or has ever lived this way or wants to. In this area of life it seems I am a traditional person with traditional values.
I know if he did not have me, either he would have to work all of the time at horrible jobs or return to Mx. I do not really want him to work all of the time, like a dog. And I do not want him to return to Mx.
I am remembering the time he took work as an agricultural laborer for a very, very large dairy. I thought this was so wonderful. He did not. They put him to work in a large pit of cow excrement maybe 30' deep and wider still. I was so proud of him. His endurance. He was 60.
He quit. He said it was too dangerous. That if he fell in the pit of methane gas, it would kill him.
He worked at an orchid farm. He did it for a while. The working conditions were slap-hazard and he was required to walk elevated planks that were poorly and thoughtlessly made. Nobody at all cared about his safety. He knew at his age he could likely never recover if he fell. Eventually, he quit that.
He was run over by a car when he was 5 years old. And in bed with a body cast for a year. He is working now tiling a 2500 sq ft house. It is killing him. He can barely walk or stand up but he goes there every day. To him he is choosing and controlling the work that he does. And it makes all of the difference.
He has lived a lifetime like this. It will not get better. It will get worse.
What kind of a person am I that does not understand his position? That harps at him and accuses him? What kind of person would begrudge him?
There are several ways out of this that I can see:
I can end the relationship.
I can decide we live only at the level where he can afford paying half, and if necessary be willing to return to Mx with him. I do not want to return to Mx. The thing is, what happens if and when he cannot pay half. Do I end the relationship? Does that mean that the relationship is month to month, depending upon whether or not he has made money? That seems absurd.
I do not think I can put the relationship with money as the determining and most important thing. I have not so far. I think the issue has to be about deciding, coming to terms, and discussing. The thing is I do not know what is right or fair to either of us, or to us together.
The thing is that this is a recurrent problem. Sometimes it bothers me more. Sometimes, less. When I am vulnerable and go after myself, this becomes vitally important to me, a major issue. I pick at myself about this, because this is the weak spot.
This has to be handled.
The other weak spots have been about marriage and immigration status.
If left to his own devices he will not take steps to divorce his legal wife from who he has been separated and estranged and has not seen for 11 years. I think he lags in doing so because of his adult children.
In effect this constitutes a de facto divorce in Mx. But since nobody has done the paperwork, he remains married. His wife does not want a divorce. Nor will she speak with him or answers the phone when he has called requesting a divorce. Ultimately, he did ask an adult daughter to speak to her mother, his wife would not discuss it. We have seen attorneys. He could get a divorce from his wife from here in the States. He will not pursue this unless I push him.
He has said over and over again that he wants a divorce. He says he does not anymore want to be married to his wife. He says he wants to end the marriage for him, irregardless of whether we marry. He says he wants to marry but not for papers. He says he does not want to marry for any other reason than for love.
I stand to benefit in no possible way through marriage to him. The only possible gain would be he could collect social security as my dependent. Legally I would only incur risks and financial liabilities through marriage.
I do not want to be in the position of pushing him to divorce. In reality, at this point marriage to him would benefit me only in terms of his ability to stay in the country. There is no realistic chance he will soon be deported really, because he has had no problems here.
And if he was deported, it would not necessarily mean the end of the relationship. The fact is, I want to be with him. That is important to know. I just want to solve our problems.
These are the reasons I do not want to end the relationship with M:
I have never known a man with as strong a moral compass. Nor do I believe I will ever know his equal.
I have never allowed somebody to love me before to the extent that I have with him.
And I have never been loved or cared for as I am by him. Not by my parents or any other person.
I trust him most of the time. I do not trust most people even part of the time. I trust his integrity and I trust his point of view.
I enjoy him. I enjoy being with him. I enjoy living with him. I enjoy thinking of a future with him and making plans for the future with him. While I can imagine a future without him, if I must when I think of being without him, I feel a great sense of loss.
Our values and our priorities are similar.
He tries hard to please me and he tries hard to change what he needs to in order to please me. He has changed hard things. And maintained these changes. Even little things like being a back seat driver, he tries. He gets better and better.
He cares if I am happy. He cares if I am respected and treated well. Not many other people have.
He takes responsibility for my family, even more than I do.
With him I will never have to face anything alone.
This is what I do not like so much about our relationship (big things):
The issue of money and work.
The more I think about it the problems with money got worse because I did not say anything and let things slide. I think I have to tackle this with him. Because not doing so is costing too much.
If I was not here alone, sad, depressed, worried about my son, not doing one thing that is constructive, probably I would not be thinking so much about this.
I do not know why I have fallen so far back these last few days. I cannot enjoy myself at home, I am not doing anything productive here, I am not doing any errands or I am not allowing myself to leave. I am not even allowing myself to go to a Al Anon meeting.
And I do not know why. The only thing I can think it might be is that my last call with my son was horrible. That he has not called since.
M is here at home maybe 8 hours in 24. Without his support, I seem to be useless.
I have turned into somebody who I do not know.
I think I need help to figure out how to handle with M the issue of money and finances. The more I think about it immigration and marriage are not that important. If he gets deported we could just go to South America, probably Argentina. I love So America and he loves the idea of it.
As far as marriage, I am not sure. Out of a half dozen or so of M's nieces that live here in our city, only one is legally married. They call themselves husband and wife, have children, and everybody thinks of them as such. I am not sure exactly why they do it this way.
Marriage would only put me at a disadvantage if one thinks economically and legally. I am not sure why I keep worrying about it.
I know that this is not directly a FOO matter, it must somehow be related. I am opening myself up here, so be gentle.
The solution I have come up with is this: To buy a fixer upper investment house in the new Big City where we are going, if we like it there. M wants to invite my son to work with him. He wants to train him to work. He really wants this. He has long spoke of it, or working with at risk youth, as a way to help them take control of themselves and their lives. He has done it before, with other young men and been successful. One who is now married to his niece had never before worked and was a gang member. He believes there is a good chance that my son will do this and there is a reasonable chance he will succeed. He sees no costs to himself for trying.
If I bought a fixer upper, I could pay him for his work, job for job, or we could work out a deal whereby he would receive a portion of whatever gains we made. Or it could be a hybrid deal, he could be paid for jobs, and receive a bonus from whatever gain there was, if any.
The understanding would be that with what he earned, he would pay for half of our living expenses. Or if we agreed that he would receive a percentage of any gain, off the top he would pay me back for half of our living expenses that had been incurred.
I do not know of another way to fix this.
So, now I am relating all of this to my FOO. Nobody ever helped me. M does. To the extent that I was involved with my FOO about money, they stole from me. He does not.
My mother did I must say, when I put pressure on her once to keep a promise she made, fork up a little bit of money. Another time I had to sue her because she had stolen my inheritance. I got a tiny, tiny portion of what she had stolen.
I have no experience what so ever with taking care of myself with money. None. I have no experience what so ever of being taken care of or treated well in a relationship. None.
I am sorry to heap all of us on you. Thank you.
I am alone. I am doing nothing at all constructive except I bought some new clothes and shoes online, that should fit my body as it is.
I get overwhelmed when I start doing anything in the house. So I stop.
I have not heard in the past couple of days from my son.
M has been working 14 hour days. Day after day like this. He works like a dog for very little money.
I find myself focusing on the problem that M and I have with money.
I think I use this issue of money, M's economic dependence upon me to beat myself up. But that does not mean that there are not realistic issues here.
You know I speak with a psychiatrist every couple of weeks by phone. Early on, he said this: Many women would not be in a relationship such as yours. By that I think he meant where the man was economically dependent and undocumented.
And once M's niece *the adult daughter of his evil sister, inferred that the reason he was with me was what he got out of it. That I know she heard from her mother.
I will be honest here:
6 years ago when I met him it was because I hired him to do work in my house. He was recommended to me as somebody who could do anything, and a good man.
A few months later we fell into a romantic relationship. While I felt a great pull towards him, we fell into a romantic relationship. We did not choose it. He had been ready to return to Mx and his wife decided she did not want him back.
Initially, after we got involved, he did slough off some on the job. We were having fun together. We liked being together. I paid him by the job so the cost was to him if there was a delay.
In other ways it did cost me, because if the pace of his working slowed, the amount of money that he generated slowed. And I picked up the slack for expenses that we shared. And I set up the precedent of helping him with an extraordinary expense that he could not manage.
Nothing was said by me to change or limit these arrangements. In these 6 years he has never asked me for anything that would materially benefit himself. Nothing. We have helped his mother and parents, but not much. But I have helped a lot with expenses: cell phone, sometimes gas, car insurance. And I have paid for the lion's share of living expenses.
I knew his situation. He had left everything in Mx. Any work he got here would be marginal, poorly paid and likely abusive. Any work he got as an unlicensed contractor, as he has worked since I knew him and before, would be the same. When we met we were in a severe economic depression where we lived. Particularly in housing and construction. I knew this going in.
Eventually, his working interfered with my working. I would get jobs out of town and we would want him to come with me. I would freak out when his work extended so much past when he thought he would be done as to interfere with him coming with me. He felt that my demands were affecting his reputation as a worker. He wanted to work until the people were 100 percent satisfied, even past the point where his agreements were met. I thought he was being abused.
The reality is we had become a unit. I do not think I could have worked as I did if it had not been for him. We traveled to far away places. We set up a household. Once we lived in a brothel, because it was the closest motel to where I worked. Another time we lived in a school bus. He became as if a house husband. He supported me. I am pretty sure I could never have done it without him. Or if I could, the costs to me would have been pretty high.
The reality is that when I work I earn maybe 10 times or more than he does. I work less hard, in infinitely better conditions. The other reality is he has nothing here. No assets. I do.
He works like a dog. He is treated like a dog. He is paid a pittance. The fact is that was how he had worked his whole life. He had the belief that some work, any work was better than no work. And that some money coming in was better than none. His work life has been like this since he was 5 years old.
He achieved a great deal in his country. By all accounts he was tireless. By all accounts everything he ever had went to his family. By all accounts he earned well and took care of his family well. By some accounts his wife took advantage of him and his generosity and trust of her by siphoning money off to her family, by living a high life while he worked so hard. For a long time he adhered to the traditional custom of turning over everything he earned to her. And ended up with nothing.
More or less I knew what I was getting into.
The issue I am talking about is boundaries. I do not care whether M makes big money. While it is not my business I do care if he is abused in his work.
To insist that he pay for 50 percent of our expenses, and at the same time criticize how his clients abuse him, or insist that he put my work first, I know is not fair. This I get, and I do not do this anymore. I think.
So after going on and on, here are what I think are the issues:
I know we are talking about boundaries here: I have not protected myself well with money.
It does not feel good to me if other people think I am debasing myself. It does not feel good to me if even one stupid and out of line person says he is in the relationship to get what he can get.
I want him to be able to pay for his own needs. I want him to be able to pay half of the household costs. And a lot of times he can't.
I know that I am not the only woman in this situation. Women have disabled husbands. Some relationships designate the husband as the house husband. But neither one of us is like this or has ever lived this way or wants to. In this area of life it seems I am a traditional person with traditional values.
I know if he did not have me, either he would have to work all of the time at horrible jobs or return to Mx. I do not really want him to work all of the time, like a dog. And I do not want him to return to Mx.
I am remembering the time he took work as an agricultural laborer for a very, very large dairy. I thought this was so wonderful. He did not. They put him to work in a large pit of cow excrement maybe 30' deep and wider still. I was so proud of him. His endurance. He was 60.
He quit. He said it was too dangerous. That if he fell in the pit of methane gas, it would kill him.
He worked at an orchid farm. He did it for a while. The working conditions were slap-hazard and he was required to walk elevated planks that were poorly and thoughtlessly made. Nobody at all cared about his safety. He knew at his age he could likely never recover if he fell. Eventually, he quit that.
He was run over by a car when he was 5 years old. And in bed with a body cast for a year. He is working now tiling a 2500 sq ft house. It is killing him. He can barely walk or stand up but he goes there every day. To him he is choosing and controlling the work that he does. And it makes all of the difference.
He has lived a lifetime like this. It will not get better. It will get worse.
What kind of a person am I that does not understand his position? That harps at him and accuses him? What kind of person would begrudge him?
There are several ways out of this that I can see:
I can end the relationship.
I can decide we live only at the level where he can afford paying half, and if necessary be willing to return to Mx with him. I do not want to return to Mx. The thing is, what happens if and when he cannot pay half. Do I end the relationship? Does that mean that the relationship is month to month, depending upon whether or not he has made money? That seems absurd.
I do not think I can put the relationship with money as the determining and most important thing. I have not so far. I think the issue has to be about deciding, coming to terms, and discussing. The thing is I do not know what is right or fair to either of us, or to us together.
The thing is that this is a recurrent problem. Sometimes it bothers me more. Sometimes, less. When I am vulnerable and go after myself, this becomes vitally important to me, a major issue. I pick at myself about this, because this is the weak spot.
This has to be handled.
The other weak spots have been about marriage and immigration status.
If left to his own devices he will not take steps to divorce his legal wife from who he has been separated and estranged and has not seen for 11 years. I think he lags in doing so because of his adult children.
In effect this constitutes a de facto divorce in Mx. But since nobody has done the paperwork, he remains married. His wife does not want a divorce. Nor will she speak with him or answers the phone when he has called requesting a divorce. Ultimately, he did ask an adult daughter to speak to her mother, his wife would not discuss it. We have seen attorneys. He could get a divorce from his wife from here in the States. He will not pursue this unless I push him.
He has said over and over again that he wants a divorce. He says he does not anymore want to be married to his wife. He says he wants to end the marriage for him, irregardless of whether we marry. He says he wants to marry but not for papers. He says he does not want to marry for any other reason than for love.
I stand to benefit in no possible way through marriage to him. The only possible gain would be he could collect social security as my dependent. Legally I would only incur risks and financial liabilities through marriage.
I do not want to be in the position of pushing him to divorce. In reality, at this point marriage to him would benefit me only in terms of his ability to stay in the country. There is no realistic chance he will soon be deported really, because he has had no problems here.
And if he was deported, it would not necessarily mean the end of the relationship. The fact is, I want to be with him. That is important to know. I just want to solve our problems.
These are the reasons I do not want to end the relationship with M:
I have never known a man with as strong a moral compass. Nor do I believe I will ever know his equal.
I have never allowed somebody to love me before to the extent that I have with him.
And I have never been loved or cared for as I am by him. Not by my parents or any other person.
I trust him most of the time. I do not trust most people even part of the time. I trust his integrity and I trust his point of view.
I enjoy him. I enjoy being with him. I enjoy living with him. I enjoy thinking of a future with him and making plans for the future with him. While I can imagine a future without him, if I must when I think of being without him, I feel a great sense of loss.
Our values and our priorities are similar.
He tries hard to please me and he tries hard to change what he needs to in order to please me. He has changed hard things. And maintained these changes. Even little things like being a back seat driver, he tries. He gets better and better.
He cares if I am happy. He cares if I am respected and treated well. Not many other people have.
He takes responsibility for my family, even more than I do.
With him I will never have to face anything alone.
This is what I do not like so much about our relationship (big things):
The issue of money and work.
The more I think about it the problems with money got worse because I did not say anything and let things slide. I think I have to tackle this with him. Because not doing so is costing too much.
If I was not here alone, sad, depressed, worried about my son, not doing one thing that is constructive, probably I would not be thinking so much about this.
I do not know why I have fallen so far back these last few days. I cannot enjoy myself at home, I am not doing anything productive here, I am not doing any errands or I am not allowing myself to leave. I am not even allowing myself to go to a Al Anon meeting.
And I do not know why. The only thing I can think it might be is that my last call with my son was horrible. That he has not called since.
M is here at home maybe 8 hours in 24. Without his support, I seem to be useless.
I have turned into somebody who I do not know.
I think I need help to figure out how to handle with M the issue of money and finances. The more I think about it immigration and marriage are not that important. If he gets deported we could just go to South America, probably Argentina. I love So America and he loves the idea of it.
As far as marriage, I am not sure. Out of a half dozen or so of M's nieces that live here in our city, only one is legally married. They call themselves husband and wife, have children, and everybody thinks of them as such. I am not sure exactly why they do it this way.
Marriage would only put me at a disadvantage if one thinks economically and legally. I am not sure why I keep worrying about it.
I know that this is not directly a FOO matter, it must somehow be related. I am opening myself up here, so be gentle.
The solution I have come up with is this: To buy a fixer upper investment house in the new Big City where we are going, if we like it there. M wants to invite my son to work with him. He wants to train him to work. He really wants this. He has long spoke of it, or working with at risk youth, as a way to help them take control of themselves and their lives. He has done it before, with other young men and been successful. One who is now married to his niece had never before worked and was a gang member. He believes there is a good chance that my son will do this and there is a reasonable chance he will succeed. He sees no costs to himself for trying.
If I bought a fixer upper, I could pay him for his work, job for job, or we could work out a deal whereby he would receive a portion of whatever gains we made. Or it could be a hybrid deal, he could be paid for jobs, and receive a bonus from whatever gain there was, if any.
The understanding would be that with what he earned, he would pay for half of our living expenses. Or if we agreed that he would receive a percentage of any gain, off the top he would pay me back for half of our living expenses that had been incurred.
I do not know of another way to fix this.
So, now I am relating all of this to my FOO. Nobody ever helped me. M does. To the extent that I was involved with my FOO about money, they stole from me. He does not.
My mother did I must say, when I put pressure on her once to keep a promise she made, fork up a little bit of money. Another time I had to sue her because she had stolen my inheritance. I got a tiny, tiny portion of what she had stolen.
I have no experience what so ever with taking care of myself with money. None. I have no experience what so ever of being taken care of or treated well in a relationship. None.
I am sorry to heap all of us on you. Thank you.
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