Honey Boo Boo


Active Member
The gnat line are you kidding me, gnats on the toes????????? EWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. I want to laugh at how utterly disgusting that is but then when I picture it, and it isn't a pretty picture, I might add, my mind is just in a state of something. Wow, yuck.


Active Member
Jody. I have never seen a more disgusting toe. She took off her sock. Which she always wears. And there were gnats all over her bad, big, purple toe! It has been like that for years apparently. I can't believe she hasn't had sepsis yet.


Active Member
BBY-oh my goodness, oh my goodness, can you imagine the filming crew seeing something like that. I cannot believe she had bugs, insects on her toe on her sock, how disgusting. I was seriously going to google and just look at a picture and see what they all looked like. I just can't bring myself to put that in my mind. I had to read what you wrote several times to just get the gist of it. What has made her nasty toe purple the gnats. If that is not one of the grossest things I have ever heard, bugs in your socks and you know they are there and you just well live with them as a normal thing. And a purple toe. i can't even spell properly. Gosh. Now I am just cracking up over the lunacy of the whole thing.


I've seen a couple of episodes - what kills me is the Sketti. Spaghetti noodles topped with a sauce made of KETCHUP and MARGARINE (they call it butter, it's not butter - butter would be better than that trans-fat laden **** they use). PUKE!


Active Member
Jody. She explained long ago she worked in a warehouse and she was ran over with a fork lift. So she calls it her fork lift foot.


Well-Known Member
Just want you guys to know that I am laughing...aloud, in the computer room. I needed a break from reality. DDD


Active Member
So glad it gave you a laugh DDD!! It certainly makes me realize my normal can be way off of someone else's normal! Diversity at its best.


Well-Known Member
I was able to realize that my family was by far not the worst case of hillbilly redneck trash south of the Mason Dixon Line...LOL


Well-Known Member
K...you have only met me. You have no idea what the rest of this clan is like. Mandy told Heather that I was in the hospital for a bad case of gingivitis, Tony has a set of relatives that used to live across the street from us that were all born from a lovely case of incest but now all but one of them has passed on (and that one just aint right if you know what I mean), Buck has Tony listed in his phone as Tater because he cant spell Tony. No its not a nickname from childhood...I asked. I swear the next time he comes to the house I am getting a hold of his phone and changing it. I dont dress well and one reason I dont go to church is because I simply dont have the clothes to go. He shows up in basketball shorts every week. Im talking about things you would sleep in. Bright blue with a tank top or an old worn out tee. He is so proud that he doesnt buy his clothes, someone else gives them to him. I caught him the other day with a shirt of ours.

I dont get it. I wasnt raised this way...lol.


Active Member
I saw a headline in the news that Honey Boo Boo and her mom and dad were getting a substantial raise. Just curious what''s the little girls real name. Curiousity won out and I did go look up a you tube video of this little girl and her mom on a talk show. The host drank the go go juice. I can't believe that mom gives her daughter a caffeine drink laden with energy drink. Boy oh boy. Must be quite a few watching if they are getting a raise.


Active Member
I just had to comment on the reality of this reality show.
-The 17 yo daughter in the show just had a baby with 3 thumbs. The daughter admits to drug and or alcohol abuse during pregancy which would be indicative of the birth defects. The father is unknown, and it could be one of the mother's boyfriends. The baby was seen getting Mountain Dew on her pacifer.
-The mother has been arrested for theft. She has 4 girls, all from different fathers.
-The mother gives the child red bull and mountain dew to get her going for a pageant.
-Recently HBB was shown on a bar table shouting Holla for Dollas
I could go on and on. CPS was called in March on this family, and they are currently under investigation.
The sheer fact that so many Americans call this entertainment is astounding. This is child abuse, on National TV, being paraded and celebrated. I encourage everyone to research the details of this little girl's life, and take a stance in boycotting this show.


I happen to agree with steely but I also have an issue with TLC. After all, this is a spin off of Toddlers and Tiaras which is bad enough. I think they picked this family for spin-off because the Mom was filling the girl with stimulants before she got on stage for the pageant. So they knew they would be encouraging something inappropriate. The news I heard was that they were raising the family's salary from $5,000/episode to $15 or 20,000 per episode plus other perks. This is said as if TLC is some kind of philanthropic agency. Let's face it, TLC is making a fortune on this and what they're paying is a drop in the bucket of profits. I have no doubt that TLC is making millions per episode. Also, I have no doubt that this is life-changing money to this family. I also have no doubt that it's being paid to the mother and nothing is going to a trust for the child. So I have many problems with this whole situation on many levels and I sure am not going to watch it. I watched it for 15 minutes and got more than I need for a lifetime!


Well-Known Member
OTE.........where have you been??? I haven't seen you here in ages. Have we just missed paths? Ithink of you quite often and wonder how you and the kids are doing. DDD


Active Member
OTE, there is actually several large groups boycotting TLC because of this, which I am part of. I agree, it is the network that is in question. They have not been responsive to any letters that have been sent to them about this that I know about.
In addition when Ellen DeGeneres started promoting HBB on her show as well as other TLC shows I asked people to write letters to her to stop. I love Ellen, and would hate to not support her, but she needs to realize what she is supporting when she does these bits on her shows.


Well-Known Member
I've seen the show a couple of times. The family is disgusting with a bunch of bad manners. I saw a joke on facebook yesterday. It said, "Honey boo boo's mama has a boyfriend and yet you're still single. Let that one sink in for a bit." I thought that was so funny. I'd rather be single than have what she's got!


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Staff member
According to the Atlanta Journal and Constitution, that has done several stories on the family, the family was investigated by CPS after the red bull incident and cleared. The parents agreed not to do it again. Other children were shown drinking red bull and eating pixie stix on T & T and none of them were investigated. I wonder if the difference is that they came from more affluent families.

Honey Boo Boo is a very happy child with a roof over her head and food to eat. Yes, the family needs nutrition counseling but there is no reason to accuse them of child abuse.

Honey Boo Boo's family is willing to spend time and money so Honey Boo Boo (real name Alanna) can do something she enjoys (participating in pageants). They were doing this before they were offered the show so it wasn't about the money.

Now, having said all of that, I am the first to say that Alanna will have issues with her weight and possibly other things due to her family's lifestyle. The mom was(is) a difficult child with a colorful past to say the least.

However, I do think that it is jumping to conclusions to start saying that this is child abuse. According to the CDC:

In 2009–2010, over 78 million U.S. adults and about 12.5 million U.S. children and adolescents were obese.
Should CPS remove all 12.5 million obese children from their homes?

I wonder if some of this backlash is because the family is poor with low education levels and are seen as rednecks from the deep south. The Kardashians exploit their family to make money and I don't hear the same outrage.

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