How dare they? School called CPS: update pg 2


Mom? What's a difficult child?
OMG... I am just disgusted!!! The more I dig watch, read.. the more horror stories I hear. I am sickened by what happens to our children. I am so sorry.
I realise some parents are indeed *bad* parents... but if some of these people would take a step back and look at the whole picture and the history and actually talk to the children and the parents....
It is a sad state of affairs.

Gosh I really am sorry you are in this position.


Active Member
DCFS has still not called the psychiatrist or therapist. And when I calmed down and read the complaint again it was dated Nov 16th!!! DCFS obviously never thought this was a legit case.

psychiatrist gave me the letter that the school has been waiting for and it 100% supports my position!!! :smile:

I'm going to demand that they provide full services to Kanga since they think it is so important. And I'm going after compensatory ed for year she has been without a full program.


New Member
This WILL clear itself but VERY infuriating isn't it? Wow. Been there (slightly different but equally as anxiety producing) and it p*&^##@*&^$*&#@ me OFF!..

As I have been OK, you will be too. The list of medications yours are on tell me they are in good hands and are being dealt with professionally.


member since 1999
JJJ, sending you my spare set of armor! :wink: This SD stuff can be just so ridiculously draining and it seems so counterproductive to educating our kids - wish SDs could see that. Blech!

Hang in there!


Active Member
Hey! The worst is that since CPS knows that you're a good parent, you go to the back of the line and it takes forever to close the case.

We're on pins and needles waiting for them to close our case (what a great Christmas present THAT would be!).

Rip that school district apart!!!


JJJ, just want you to know that I'm in your corner.

I've been wrapped up in my own stuff recently, but this wonderful board helped me through it. Seeing your recent posts has made me want to scream. However, I see that you have your armor on plus armor to go girl...