How to handle moving boundries


Face the Sun
Forgive my many quote copies, Haven’t quite figured out how to do that properly yet, But your quote about staying firm because you’re easily manipulated, that is so true and I guess that’s what I need to remember. The same as our DCs not understanding that just because we’ve done something once does not mean we’re going to do it all the time, it’s just as important to understand that just because we’ve done something once means were more likely to do it again because we are so easily manipulated. Enabling relationships take two People to participate, sometimes I forget that. it’s an important thing to remember when it comes to keeping our boundaries., thankyou for that insight.
Totally. I hope you experience a day that is filled with more than just coping. I find dancing (downgraded to moving, lol) to a good old rock tune helpful.

A wise physician once said, curing is not the same as healing. How true.
In healing.