we noticed he talked a lot about his "rights" and about the fact that if beer is legal, pot should be as well. He went on and on about it, and about how unfair it was.
God I hate that! On and on and ON about legalization! We've pretty much said he's not allowed to mention pot again, even if it's a joke or if he's quoting a statistic or a news story. We're sick of hearing about it every single time we see him. And I'm not even against legalization!
What he doesn't get is that, like some people can drink and not become an alcoholic, some people can smoke and not become addicted.
When my dad was held up, the codeine cough syrup was on the shelves! These two thugs threatened to kill him and held a gun to his head. Dad managed to convince them if he let him go he wouldn't call the police.
difficult child adamantly insists that he hates spice, since he had a bad experience with it two yrs ago.
I told him the only way he will know what he is smoking is to grow it himself. And I immediately said, "Which you are not going to do."
The kids around here are mostly connected to the military. That is how the get the purple syrup. It goes for 50 a bottle. kids die when their breathing becomes compromised. They tend to use this drink to chase down bars (Xanax). They come to school, and pass out in the bathrooms or under the bleachers. The ambulance comes about once a day.
So, it's definitely tobacco. We found an old plastic toolbox in difficult child's bedroom. It stunk to high heaven. He threw it all out yesterday. The box is out in the rain right now.
One of the cats loves sleeping on his bed. It must smell like catnip to her.